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Leadership Across Culture

The process of influencing people to direct their efforts toward the achievement of some particular goal or goals.

Theory X Manager
A manager who believes that people are basically lazy and that coercion and threats of punishment often are necessary to get them to work

Theory Y Manager
A manager who believes that under the right conditions people not only will work hard but will seek increased responsibility and challenge

Leadership Across Culture

Theory Z Manager
A manager who believes that workers seek opportunities to participate in management and are motivated by teamwork and responsibility sharing

Authoritarian Leadership
The use of work-centered behaviourdesigned to ensure task accomplishment

Paternalistic Leadership
The use of work-centered behaviour coupled with a protective employee-centered concern.

Leadership Across Culture

Participative Leadership
The use of both work or task centered and people centered approaches to leading subordinates.

Variety amplification
The creation of uncertainty and the analysis of many alternatives regarding future action.

Variety Reduction
The limiting of uncertainty and the focusing of action on a limited number of alternatives

Leadership Across Culture

Transformational Leaders
Leaders who are visionary agents with a sense of mission and who are capable of motivating their followers to accept new goals and new ways of doing things

Charismatic Leaders
Leaders who inspire and motivate employees through their charismatic traits and abilities

Transactional Leaders
Individuals who exchange rewards for effort and performance and work on a something for something basis


Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures

Home country nationals
Expatriate managers who are citizens of the country where the multinational corporation is headquartered

Managers who live and work outside their home country. They are citizens of the country where the multinational corporation is headquartered.

Host country nationals

Local managers who are hired by the MNC

Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures

Third country nationals (TCNs)
Managers who are citizens of countries other than the country in which the MNC is headquartered or the one in which the managers are assigned to work by the MNC

Individuals from a host country or third country nationals who are assigned to work in the home country

International Selection Criteria

Factors used to choose personnel for international assignement

Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures

Adaptability Screening
The process of evaluating how well a family is likely to stand up to the stress of overseas life.

Balance sheet approach

An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that ensures the expat is made whole and does not lose money by taking the assignment

An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that involves paying the expat a salary comparable to that of local nationals.

Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures

Lump-sum method
An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that involves giving the expat a predetermined amount of money and letting the individual make his or her own decisions regarding how to spend it.

Cafeteria approach
An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that entails giving the individual a series of options and letting the person decide how to spend the available funds

Regional system
An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that involves setting a compensation system for all expats who are assigned to a particular region and paying everyone in accord with that system

Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures

The return to one s home country from an overseas management assignment

Transition strategies
Strategies used to help smooth the adjustment from an overseas to a stateside assignment

Repatriation agreements
Agreements whereby the firm tells an individual how long she or he will be posted overseas and promises to give the individual, on return, a job that is mutually acceptable.

The process of altering employee behaviour and attitudes in a way that increases the probability of goal attainment

Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures

Ethnocentric MNC
An MNC that stresses nationalism and often puts home-office people in charge of key international management positions

Polycentric MNC
An MNC that places local nationals in key positions and allows these managers to appoint and develop their own people.

Regiocentric MNC
An MNC that relates on local managers from a particular geographic region to handle operations in and around that area.

Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures

Geocentric MNC
An MNC that seeks to integrate diverse regions of the world through a global approach to decision making.

The acquisition of skills, knowledge, and abilities that results in a relatively permanent change in behaviour.

The belief that one s own way of doing things is superior to that of others.

Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures

Cultural Assimilator
A programmed learning technique designed to expose members of one culture to some of the basic concepts, attitudes, role perception, customs, and values of another culture.

The quality of being effective, of producing the desired results. A valid test or selection technique measures what it is intended to measure.


Labour Relations and Industrial Democracy

Labour relations
The process through which management and workers identify and determine the job relationships that will be in effect at the workplace.

Collective bargaining
The process whereby formal labour agreements are reached by union and management representatives; it involves the negotiation of wages, hours, and conditions of employment and the administration of the labour contract.

Labour Relations and Industrial Democracy

An organization that represents the workers and in collective bargaining has the legal authority to negotiate with the employer and administer the labour contract

A complaint brought by an employee who feels that he or she has been treated improperly under the terms of the labour agreement.

A person who brings both sides (union and management representatives) together and helps them to reach a settlement that is mutually acceptable.

Labour Relations and Industrial Democracy

An individual who provides a solution to a grievance that both sides (union and management representatives) have been unable to resolve themselves and that both sides agree to accept.

A collective refusal to work to pressure management to grant union demands

A company s refusal to allow workers to enter the facility during a labour dispute.

Labour Relations and Industrial Democracy

International Labour Organization (ILO)
A united nations affiliate, consisting of government, industry, and union representatives , that works to promote fair labour standards in health, safety, and working conditions, and freedom of association for workers.

Industrial democracy
The rights that employees have to participate in significant management decisions.

Problem solving teams

Employee groups that discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the overall work environment

Labour Relations and Industrial Democracy

Special purpose teams
Employee groups that design and introduce work reforms and new technology

Self managing teams

Employee groups that take over supervisory duties and manage themselves; teams consist of individuals who learn all the tasks of all the group members, allowing team members to rotate jobs.

Enterprise unions
Unions that represent both hourly and salaried employee of a particular company.

Labour Relations and Industrial Democracy

Strategic fit
An approach to strategically managing an organization that involves aligning resources in such a way as to mesh with the environment

Strategic stretch
The creative use of resources to achieve ever more challenging goals.

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