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A piece of news

War in Ukraine
A lot of news
I think many of us have heard about the war in Ukraine from
various news sources, and so much has happened in these
6.5 months that one presentation is not enough to describe it,
and therefore I have collected only the latest news on this
Good successes of Ukraine in recent days
• at the beginning of the war, Russia managed to capture a large piece of the
eastern part of Ukraine, since the war was a surprise for the Ukrainian
authorities, but in recent days, Ukraine has managed to capture most of these
territories and this is a huge success for Ukraine, as well-thought-out tactics and
the search for vulnerabilities of the Russian army was not an easy part of this
military plan
excellent success for short time
A lot of russians were upset
• many people in Russia were angry and upset by this news
• You can see how Russian military publics write an angry news in the telegram
My opinion
• and in my opinion these are excellent successes for Ukraine, but
unfortunately this has not yet stopped the war, which continues
to take the lives of citizens who suffer from this aggression from
Russian goverment
• the
war must be stopped because in the 21st century, in my
opinion, wars should not happen
Thank you for your
attention !

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