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Juan Jorge Valenzuela Valdez

My name is Mr. Juan Valenzuela. I am a honorific member of the World parliamanet of Education. I am a
University professor, Teacher trainer and Academic consultant. I hold a degree in Education, a diploma as an
official Cambridge presenter from the University of Cambridge and a diploma in Successful teaching practices for
teaching English by the British Council’s CPD program. I also hold a Cambridge Advanced certificate of
competence in English.
I’ve worked as a teacher of English in different schools in Peru with groups of different ages and levels and have
been a coordinator and an advisor of different International programmes in various prestigious institutions in
the educational sector. I’ve also been involved in the world of International exams and delivered Preparation
courses for City & Guilds, TOEFL, Cambridge YLE, Main suite and TKT since 2008.
Regarding Teacher training, I have been sharing my expertise through Professional development Workshops on
Teaching EFL effectively inside and outside Peru for the past twelve years. Juan Valenzuela USS

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