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Princess diana

Karoll Rueda, Sofia Palacios

Lady di
Princess Diana born on Personalid
July 1, 1961 and died on
August 31, 1997.
● Aventurera
● Extrovertida
● Servicial
● Testaruda
She was a British activist,
philanthropist and
aristocrat, first wife of the Habilidade
then Prince of Wales, the
current King Charles III, s
with him she had two
children, William and
In 1987, princess Diana dedicated
her efforts to fighting againts the
prejudices that circulate about
AIDS. There was a lot of
misinformation about how it was
spread and discriminatron againts
the gay community. In April Diana
inagurate an AIDS pavillion.
One of her awards consist of awarding
recognition prizes to Young peale who take
initiatives of social involvement in the
community where they live or study
troughout the United Kingdom. This award
was stablished in 1999 by the British
governmet which was carrying on the
legacy of princess legacy.
The death of Diana of Wales was an event that took place in the
early hours
of August 31, 1997 when Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, died
injuries sustained in a car accident that occurred inside the Alma
tunnel, in
Paris France.

When was born Diana?

What was one of her awards?

What prejudices does she fight?

When was die Diana?

How many children she have?

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