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Cassandra Aldridge
What is Cyberbullying
Lying Playing
Cyberbullying is using technology Creating and horrible
to hurt someone else by sending fake spreading jokes
hurtful messages, pictures or accounts rumours
making negative comments. in their

them into Leaving
believing someone
you are out on
else purpose
Examples of Cyberbullying
Emily uploaded an Another student
embarrassing picture of created a group
Chloe without her chat and left one
permission and refused A student created a new class member out
to take it down when status about another on purpose
Chloe asked. student saying, “Jacobs
hair is always oily and
looks so gross, I don’t
want to be friends with
Cyberbullying can include, and be done
through the following:
Texts, messages, chats, Examples of how the
livestreams, memes, images, internet can be used in
videos and emails harmful way
- Sending harmful messages
- Sharing a embarrassing photo or
Phones - Spreading gossip which is nasty
Chat rooms - Leaving someone out online
Social media sites such as Facebook, - Creating fake accounts in someone's
Instagram, snapchat and twitter. name
What can you do if your being Cyberbullied

1. Tell a trusted adult and ask them to help

2. Change the setting on your device or
account so you don’t see many more
messages, posts and comments from the
person who has made them.
If you need Cyberbullying material removed

Report it – To the social media site,

app etc. that was used to send the
harmful material.
Reasons why people may cyberbully

They might Have been

feel jealous bullied
and want to They are lonely themselves
have power

Mental health
What does Cyberbullying do to the
They can feel sad They are They are scared
and distressed unable to eat and fear for their
or sleep safety

They are embarresed They feel They feel

powerless isolated
Do you think your friend is being

- They’ve changed recently

- They don’t want to go to school or see friends
- They look really tired like they haven't slept
- They are sick all the time
- They are talking negatively about themselves
- They seem upset, especially after being online
(Before you)
• T – Is it True?
• H – Is it Helpful?
• I – Is it Inspiring?
• N – Is it Necessary?
• K – Is it Kind?

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