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“Art is an idea that belongs to everyone it has the ability to inspire and
enrich our lives”.
“Art is an idea that belongs to everyone it has the ability
to inspire and enrich our lives”.

Ink and watercolour artist Noel Badges Pugh creates

stunning mixed media drawings focusing on botanical art
and his hands. He uniquely captures and illustrates the
beauty of nature in charming and intricate details
In this interview, ink and watercolor artist Noel Badges
Pugh shares his thoughts on the artistic process and
what we can do to cultivate our creative abilities

arling Magazine: Tell us a little bit about your background as an artist. Did you always
want to pursue art as a career?
Noel: At a very early age, I remember becoming enchanted with drawing cups. It was, and
still is, amazing that you could make something look three dimensional simply by
connecting an arch to a circle. As soon as I figured out how to create a handle by drawing
two parallel arches, my mind and feet were set upon the path of an artist. I went through a
phase around the end of high school during which I strongly believed selling artwork
would corrupt and poison my artistic spirit. Deep down, part of me still believes this. Art
should be made and given freely. However, besides my parents and a couple close friends,
few people in this world are offering a free lunch. I’m determined to make my living as an
artist now, trying to continue it in hopes of serving educational purposes, while inspiring
as many others along the way.
DM: How would you define your artistic style, and how did you develop it?
Noel: At this point, I’m mainly focusing on botanical art in a semi-graphic, semi-scientific style. I’ve experimented
with a number of mediums over the years, as well as subjects such as landscape, portraiture and surrealism. I had the
privilege of attending art school at the San Francisco Art Institute where I was exposed to tons of incredible artwork
spanning the days of caves to the days of subways.

“ years ago, I also earned a Masters Certificate in Scientific Illustration

from a program that was part of UC Santa Cruz. My tendencies have always been
on the tighter, more meticulous side of drawing, getting lost in the narrative of
details. Also, there’s something very addictive and soul-satisfying about black ink.
When you vary your line weights with it, it alters your depth perception. My style
continues to evolve from studying other artists and experimenting further with
mediums that excite me deep down.
“Draw what excites you”
Task: To create a double artist page based on Noel Badges Pugh
Learning Objective: 2 Weeks Lesson Time
Analyse the artist NOEL BADGES PUGH using both visual and written language

1ST Page
A research page based on the artist NOEL BADGES PUGH

You Must:
• Add the artist name “NOEL BADGES PUGH”

• Add at least 5 pictures of the artist’s work

• Add a minimum of 6 facts about the artist

You Should
• Create your own opinion on the artist’s work

You Could:
• Find more examples of the artist work
Learning Objective: 2 Weeks Lesson Time
Analyse the artist NOEL BADGES PUGH using both visual and written language

2ND Page

You Must:
• Create a study based on one of NBP’s art works.
• Ensure this is a mushroom image
• Add experimental samples to page

You Should
• Capture the fine lines and details using either very sharp
colour pencils or fine-liner/gel pens

You Could:
• Create more studies and flap in
• Add quotes or further information around your study.

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