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(05) ARBI FIRMANSYAH (2141230053)
(08) BRIAN NUR PRATAMA (2141230107)
(15) MUHAMMAD FARHAN (2141230098)
What is momentum?
 The momentum of physics in everyday life can be compared to a vehicle hitting
an object.For example, a car and a bicycle at the same speed collide with a tree.
The damage to the car will be greater than that to the bicycle. This is because
the mass of a car which is larger than a bicycle makes it difficult to stop its
 The same momentum phenomenon occurs when you want to stop a moving
train. It takes a lot of force to stop the train because it has a large mass and a
great speed.
 The momentum of an object can also be affected by the direction of its
movement. The momentum of an object can change if the direction of the
object changes and if the object is slowed or accelerated.
 The law of conservation of momentum describes two objects
colliding. The magnitude of the decrease in momentum on one
of the objects will have the same value. Of course with a large
increase in momentum on other objects.
 This means that the total momentum of the object system
before the collision occurs is the same as the magnitude of the
momentum of the other object systems.
 Especially after the collision. The following is an explanation
of the application of momentum in physics in everyday life.
 The principle when propelling a rocket can fulfill the law of conservation of momentum.
In the initial state, the rocket and fuel systems are at rest, so the momentum becomes
zero. After the gas appears to be leaving the rocket, the momentum of the system
remains. So that the momentum of the system before and after the exit of the gas
becomes the same.
 According to the law of conservation of momentum, the final speed a rocket reaches
depends on the amount of fuel in the rocket and the speed at which the gases are emitted.
Basically, these two quantities are fairly limited.
 So that its use is on staged rockets or multistage rockets, namely several combinations
of rockets. When the first fuel condition has run out, the rocket will be released.
 The spacecraft undergoes rapid movement with the total mass of the aircraft and rockets
lighter. That's because it no longer carries the first rocket. In the second stage it can reach
its final speed which is much faster. And so on until all the rockets have been burned.

 A rocket that will move into space will experience a thrust. This thrust is in
accordance with the principle of the change in momentum, namely:

Δp = momentum
Δm= mass
Δt = time
v = speed
 From the understanding in the previous slide, momentum in physics is calculated by the following equation
p = momentum in kilogram meters per second (kg m/s)
m= mass of the object (kg)
v = object's speed (m/s)

An object with a mass of 40 kg is moving with a speed of 5 m/s. How much momentum does the object have?
= 40 x 5
= 200 kg.m/s
That is, the momentum of the object as it moves is 200 kg.m/s in the direction of its velocity.
 The law of conservation of momentum states that "in the event of a central collision, the total
momentum of the system just before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the
system immediately after the collision".
 That way, the total momentum of the system on the objects before the collision and after the
collision is the same. So, the formula for the law of conservation of momentum is:
m1.v1 + m2.v2 = m1.v1' + m2.v2’
m1 is the mass of the first object (kg)
m2 is the mass of the second object (kg)
v1 is the velocity of the first object (m/s)
v2 is the velocity of the second object (m/s)
v1' is the velocity of the first object after the collision (m/s)
v2' is the velocity of the second object after the collision (m/s)

The law of conservation of momentum is a phenomenon every time a collision occurs or a

collision occurs. This is true when there are no external forces acting on the system.
 There was a train accident in which a train car with a mass of 10,000 kg was moving at a speed of 24 m/s. The
carriage crashed into another similar carriage and was at rest. As a result of the collision, the carriages were
connected together. So, what is the speed of the carriage!
Answer :
Discussion :
Point :
m1 = m2 = 10,000 kg
v1 = 24 m/s
v2 = 0 v'1 = v'2 = v’
Dit: v ' = …?
Answer :
m1V1 + m2V2 = m1V’1 + m2V’2
m1V1 + m2V2 = (m1 + m2 ) = v
(10.000)(24) + (10.000)(0) = (10.000 + 10.000) v
240.000 = 20.000 v
24 = 2 v
v = 12m/s

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