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Dimensions of EI
Model of EI
Emotional Intelligence
A Definition of Emotional Intelligence

Drs. Travis •your ability to recognize and understand

Bradberry and emotions in yourself and others, and your ability

to use this awareness to manage your behavior
and relationships
Jean Greaves

Daniel •Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity for

recognizing our own feelings and those of others,
for motivating ourselves, and for managing

Goleman emotions well in ourselves and our relationships

Intelligence V/S Emotional Intelligence

 IQ: Ability to learn, understand and apply

information to skills, logical reasoning, word
comprehension, math skills, abstract and spatial
thinking, filter irrelevant information.
 EQ/ E!: Identify, evaluate, control and express
emotions ones own emotions; perceive, and assess
others' emotions; use emotions to facilitate
thinking, understand emotional meanings.
The Path Between Feeling and Reason
EI is the strongest predictor of
workplace performance.
90% of top performers have high
emotional intelligence.
People with average IQs
outperform those with the highest
IQs 70% of the time
Characteristics of emotional intelligence

•Self regulation means taking control of your emotions

Self Awareness and manage these emotions according to the situation.

A good leader needs to have self-regulation to manage
arising conflicts and difficult situations.

Self •Self regulation means taking control of your emotions

and manage these emotions according to the situation.

A good leader needs to have self-regulation to manage
arising conflicts and difficult situations.
Characteristics of emotional intelligence

• Self motivation or internal motivation

basically means that the leader is passionate,
Self dedicated, optimistic, and interested to work
without any external drivers like fame,

money, or promotion. Leaders who are
internally motivated are more focused to
achieve goals. They put in their best to yield
excellent results as a leader.

• Empathy is walking in someone else’s shoes

and understanding them, keeping in mind
their circumstances.

Empathy • Empathy is a key component of effective

leadership. Great leaders are empathetic
towards their team.. People will fearlessly
bring all their problems to the team leader
and the leader will assist them accordingly.
Characteristics of emotional intelligence

•Social skills are the last component of

Social emotional intelligence for good leaders.

Great leaders need to have good social skills
to build and manage relationships.
•Emotionally intelligent people interact with

people and keep building a network. These
people have amazing communication skills
which help in translating the ideas to their
team effectively.
Self Awareness - Introspective
Self-Awareness Strategy
 Observe the ripple effect from your emotions
 Visit your values

 Check yourself

 Know who and what pushes your buttons

 Stop and ask yourself why you do the things

you do
 Seek feedback
Self-Management - Proactive
Self-Management Strategies
 Take control of your self-talk
 Count to ten
 Smile and laugh more
 Learn a valuable lesson from everyone you
Social Awareness - Introspective
Social Awareness Strategies
 Greet people by name
 Watch body language
 Live in the moment
 Practice the art of listening
 Step into their shoes
Relationship Management - Proactive
Relationship Management Strategies

 Be open and curious

 Take feedback well
 Build trust
 Acknowledge the other person’s feelings
 Tackle a tough conversation
 Remember the little things that pack a pu
Increase your EI
Research shows that people improve their EI most
when the following conditions are present:

• They have a strong motivation to learn or change

• They practice new behaviors consistently
• They seek feedback on their own behaviour
Action Plan
1. Pick an EI skill to work on.
2. Pick 3 strategies to begin using for your chosen skill.
3. Choose an EI mentor.
4. Keep the following in mind as you apply:
 Expect success, not perfection

 Practice, practice, practice

 Be patient

5. Measure your progress

Models of EI
 Emotional intelligence is often times measured using the
Emotional Intelligence quotient (EQ) which is more of a
description of the capacity or ability to perceive, then assess
and eventually manage one’s own and others emotions, To
date there are mainly three emotional intelligence models
which include:
 Emotional intelligence Model based on Trait
 Emotional Models based on Ability
 Emotional intelligence from Mixed models
Tips for Enhancing Your Own Emotional Intelligence

If your goal is to boost your own emotional intelligence or help your

clients boost their emotional intelligence (e.g., any EI work on an
individual level), keep these seven tips in mind:
 Reflect on your own emotions;

 Ask others for perspective;

 Be observant (of your own emotions);

 Use “the pause” (e.g., taking a moment to think before speaking);

 Explore the “why” (bridge the gap by taking someone else’s

 When criticized, don’t take offense. Instead, ask: What can I learn?

 Practice, practice, practice

Tips for Enhancing the Emotional Intelligence of Teams

 If you’re looking to enhance your team’s emotional

intelligence, keep these 7 tips in mind:
 Have a ring leader;
 Identify team members’ strengths and weaknesses;
 Spark passion;
 Build team norms;
 Develop creative ways to manage stress;
 Allow team members to have a voice;
 Encourage employees to work and play together
How to Use

Emotional intelligence can be used in many different ways in your daily

life. Some different ways to practice emotional intelligence include:
 Being able to accept criticism and responsibility

 Being able to move on after making a mistake

 Being able to say no when you need to

 Being able to share your feelings with others

 Being able to solve problems in ways that work for everyone

 Having empathy for other people

 Having great listening skills

 Knowing why you do the things you do

 Not being judgemental of others

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