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The Digestive System

SKILL: To describe, with the support of models,

the structure and function of the digestive

VOCABULARY: Absorption, anus, digestion,

ingestion, egestion, carbohydrate, gland, food,
organ, nutrients.
The Organs of the Digestive System

 Salivary Glands:

 Mouth:

 Esophagus:
 Pancreas:

Large Intestine:

Small Intestine:
The beginning of the Digestive process
 Our digestive system converts food into simpler substances called nutrients,
which enter our cells and give us the energy we need to live.

 The digestive process consists of four stages:



The digestive process occurs in the following order:

 INGESTION: When food enters the mouth.

 DIGESTION: The transformation of food in the
digestive tract.
 ABSORPTION: When nutrients enter the blood.
 EGESTION: The elimination of waste through the
Peristaltic Movements
 The peristaltic movements move the food through
different organs of the digestive system
 It happens when the esophagus expands and
contracts to push the bolus down to the stomach.
 Swallowing consists of two stages:
 The first stage is voluntary and occurs when we push food
to the back of the mouth.

 The second stage is involuntary and occurs when the food

enters the digestive tract and moves down the esophagus
to the stomach.
Digestion in the Stomach: the Process Continues

 Does your stomach ever make noises after you eat? Or have you
ever heard your stomach growling when you are hungry?
According to the video

 1- What is digestion?
 2- What juices and acids the stomach secretes?
 3- What is the function of hydochloric acid?
 4- What juices the pancreas and the liver secrete?
 The stomach is a very important part of the digestive
system. Its movements and gastric juices help convert
food into nutrients.
 When food gets to the stomach, it mixes with
gastric juices. Gastric juices help with digestion
the transformation of food into nutrients.
 Gastric juices and peristaltic movements convert
the bolus into a thick liquid called chyme. This
liquid then moves toward the small intestine.
The end of the Digestive Process
 The stomach has walls made of muscle to move and digest the food. It also
produces gastric juices that help make chyme.

 The small intestine produces intestinal juices, which combine with bile and
pancreatic juice to help make chyle.
 After the chyle is formed, it continues through the small intestine and the
next stage of the digestive process starts: absorption.
 The intestinal villi on the walls of the intestine increase the efficiency of
Elimination of waste: The final process
 After all nutrients are absorbed, the leftover waste passes to the large intestine. In
the final stage of the digestive process, the large intestine forms and eliminates
fecal matter in a process called egestion.
 Finally, the fecal matter is temporarily stored in a part of the large intestine called
the rectum.
 Cardboard Markers or colors clays
Identify the following organs

 1- Salivary glands.
 2- Mouth
 3- Esophagus.
 4- Stomach
 5- Liver
 6- Pancreas
 7- Large intestine
 8- Small intestine

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