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Question # 1. What is the Pretest and Post-Test

mean of the SHS students
- Compute for the Mean of Pretest and Post-Test
Continuation Q1
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Coding
Continuation Q1 1.
Value = 1

Step 1: Coding for Gender 2. Label = Male

Click Add
Continuation Q1 4.
Value = 2

Step 1: Coding for Gender Label = Female


Click Add
Continuation Q1 Click OK
Step 1: Coding for Gender
Continuation Q1 1.
Value = 1

Step 2: Coding for SES 2. Label = High

Click Add
Continuation Q1 4.
Value = 2

Step 2: Coding for SES 5. Label = Average

Click Add
Continuation Q1 7.
Value = 3

Step 2: Coding for SES 8. Label = Low

Click Add
Continuation Q1
Step 2: Coding for SES

Click OK
Continuation Q1
Step 2: Coding for SES

Check level of measurements

Continuation Q1
Step 3: Computation of Pre-test and Post-Test Mean Click Analyze
Click Descriptive Statistics

Click Descriptive
Continuation Q1
Step 3: Computation of Pre-test and Post-Test Mean Select Pretest & PostTest
Click Arrow
Continuation Q1
Step 3: Computation of Pre-test and Post-Test Mean

Click Options
Continuation Q1
Step 3: Computation of Pre-test and Post-Test Mean

Select Mean, Standard

Deviation, Minimum,

Click Continue
Continuation Q1
Step 3: Computation of Pre-test and Post-Test Mean

Click OK
Continuation Q1
Step 3: Computation of Pre-test and Post-Test Mean

Pretest Mean =
Post-Test Mean =
Continuation Q1
Step 3: Computation of Pre-test and Post-Test Mean

  Std. Deviation Mean Interpretation

Pretest 4.232 15.92 Failure

Post-Test 8.029 28.28 Good

Question # 2. Is there a significant difference
between the Pretest and Post-Test mean
scores of the SHS students?
- Use Paired Sample t-test
Continuation Q2 Click Analyze
Select Compare
Click Paired
sample t-test
Click Pretest for
Continuation Q2 variable 1
Click Arrow
Click Post-test for
Continuation Q2 variable 2

Click Arrow
Continuation Q2 Click OK
Continuation Q2

p-value = .000
Continuation Q2
  Mean Std. P-value Interpretation

Pair Pre-test 15.92 4.232 .000 Significant

Post-test 28.28 28.28

The table presents the significant difference between the pretest and post-test mean scores of the
SHS students. When data were analyzed using paired sample t-test, the result reveals that there is
a significant difference between the pretest and post-test mean scores showing a p-value of
0.000. further, when mean is compared between the pre-test and post test of SHS students, the
Post-test acquired a mean of 28.28 while pre-test attained a mean of 15.92. This implies that SHS
students performed better during the post-test.
Question #3. Is there a significant difference in
the Pretest mean scores of the SHS students
when the variable is categorized according to:
a. Gender – Independent Sample t-test
b. Socio Economic Status (SES) – One way
Continuation Q3 Click Analyze
Gender Select Compare
Click Independent
sample t-test
Continuation Q3 Select Pretest
Gender Click Arrow for
Test Variables
Continuation Q3 Select Gender
Click Arrow for
Grouping variable
Continuation Q3
Click Define
encode 1 for
Continuation Q3 Group 1
encode 2 for
Group 2

Click Continue
Continuation Q3
Gender Click OK
Continuation Q3
Result for Gender
Continuation Q3
Result for Gender
  Gender N Mean Std. P-value Interpretation

Pretest Male 14 17.43 4.090

.042 Significant
Female 11 14 3.742
The table presents the significant difference in the pretest mean scores of the SHS students
categorized according to gender. When data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test,
the result indicates that there is a significant difference between the pretest mean scores and
gender showing a p-value of 0.042. Furthermore, when the mean is compared between males
and females, the male students acquired a mean of 17.43 while the female students attained a
mean of 14. This implies that the male students performed better than the female students in the
pre-test exam.
Continuation Q3 Click Analyze
SES Select Compare

Click One way

Continuation Q3
SES Select pretest

Click arrow (pretest

to dependent list)
Continuation Q3
SES Select SES

Click arrow (SES to

Continuation Q3
SES Click OK
Continuation Q3
SES Click OK
Continuation Q3
Result for SES
Continuation Q3
Result for SES
  Socio p-value Interpretation
Pretest High    
Average .624 Non-significant

The table presents the significant difference in the Pretest mean scores of the SHS
students categorized according to the Socio-Economic status of the students. When data
were analyzed using one-way anova, the result reveals that there is no significant
difference between the Pretest mean scores and the Socio-Economic Status showing a p-
value of 0.624.
Question #4. Is there a significant difference in
the Post-test mean scores of the SHS students
when the variable is categorized according to:
a. Gender – Independent Sample t-test
b. Socio Economic Status (SES) – One way
Continuation Q4 Click Analyze
Gender Select Compare
Click Independent
sample t-test
Continuation Q4 Select Post-test
Gender Click Arrow for
Test Variables
Continuation Q4 Select Gender
Click Arrow for
Grouping variable
Continuation Q4
Click Define
encode 1 for
Continuation Q4 Group 1
encode 2 for
Group 2

Click Continue
Continuation Q
Gender Click OK
Continuation Q3
Result for Gender
Continuation Q4
Result for Gender
  Gender N Mean Std. P-value Interpretation

Post-test Male 14 31.71 5.121

.012 Significant
Female 11 23.91 9.115
The table presents the significant difference in the post-test mean scores of the SHS students
categorized according to gender. When data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test,
the result indicates that there is a significant difference between the post-test mean scores and
gender showing a p-value of 0.012. Furthermore, when the mean is compared between males
and females, the male students acquired a mean of 31.71 while the female students attained a
mean of 23.91. This implies that the male students achieved a good score than the female who
scored fairly in the post-test.
Continuation Q4 Click Analyze
SES Select Compare

Click One way

Continuation Q4
SES Select post-test

Click arrow (post-test

to dependent list)
Continuation Q3
SES Select SES

Click arrow (SES to

Continuation Q4 Click OK
Continuation Q3
Result for SES
Continuation Q4
Result for SES
  Socio p-value Interpretation
Post-test High    
Average .846 Non-significant

The table presents the significant difference in the Post-Test mean scores of the SHS
students categorized according to the Socio-Economic status of the students. When data
were analyzed using one-way anova, the result reveals that there is no significant
difference between the Post-Test mean score and the Socio-Economic Status displaying a
p-value of 0.846.
Question #5. Is there a significant
relationship between the Pretest and Post-test
mean score of the SHS students
- Use Pearson R correlation
Continuation Q5
Click Analyze
Relationship between
Select Correlate
Pretest and Post-Test
Click Bivariate
Continuation Q5
Relationship between
Pretest and Post-Test Select Pretest &

Click Arrow (Pretest &

Post-test to variables
Continuation Q5
Relationship between Click OK
Pretest and Post-Test
Continuation Q5
Result for Relationship between
Pretest and Post-Test
Continuation Q5
Result for Relationship between
Pretest and Post-Test
  Pearson r description Sig. (2 tailed) interpretation
Pretest vs. 0.854 Very Strong 0.000 Significant
Post-test relationship

The table above presents the relationship between Pretest and Post-Test mean scores of the
SHS students. The result shows that the Pearson r is 0.854 which indicates a very strong
relationship among pretest and post-test mean scores. Furthermore, the probability value of
Pretest and Post-Test mean scores is 0.000 reveals that there is a significant relationship
between Pretest and Post-Test mean scores.
Question #6. Is there a significant difference
in frequency of the most difficult
Mathematics subjects in the Bachelor of
Secondary Education Course (Major in Math)
as perceived by the Math Majors?
- Use Chi-Square Goodness of Fit
Continuation Q6
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Encode Frequencies in Data View of SPSS

Variable View in SPSS

Data View in SPSS
Continuation Q6
Computation using SPSS
Step 2: Encode/assign numbers for each category in the mathematics

Data View in SPSS

Continuation Q6
Computation using SPSS Click for coding
Step 3: Code the assigned numbers for each category in the
mathematics subjects

Variable View in SPSS

Continuation Q6 Value: 1
Computation using SPSS
Label: Basic Math
Step 4: Coding of each category
Click Add

Repeat the same process by

coding the assigned numbers for
each category:
2 = Algebra
3 = Trigonometry
4 = Calculus
5 = Probability
6 = Geometry
Variable View in SPSS
Continuation Q6
Computation using SPSS
Step 5: Coding of each category
Click OK
Continuation Q6 Click: Data
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit
Select Weight Cases
Continuation Q6 Select Frequencies
Computation using SPSS
Step 2: Computation of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Click: Weight cases by

Click: Arrow
Continuation Q6
Computation using SPSS
Step 3: Computation of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit

Click: OK

Continuation Q6
Click: Analyze
Computation using SPSS
Step 4: Computation of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Select Nonparametric Tests

Select Legacy Dialogs

Click: Chi-square
Continuation Q6
Computation using SPSS
Step 5: Computation of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Select: Category & Frequencies

Click: Arrow
Continuation Q6
Computation using SPSS
Step 6: Computation of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit

Click: OK
Continuation Q1
Computation using SPSS
Result: Computation of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit
Continuation Q6
Computation using SPSS
Result: Computation of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit
Difference in the frequency of most difficult subject
Subjects Basic Algebra Trigonometry Calculus Probability Geometry
Observed 5 21 11 35 18 17
Expected 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8

  Frequencies Interpretation
The computed chi-square statistic (chi-square test of goodness of fit)
Chi-Square 28.981 is 29.98 df 5, p-value of <0.0001. Since the p-value is less than 0.05,
df 5 the null hypothesis is rejected. It can be concluded that the
Asymp. Sig 0.000 frequency of the most difficult math subject is not equally distributed
for students in the BSEd major in Math program. This indicates that
there is a significant difference in the perception of students on
which math subject is the most difficult one.
Question #7. Is there a significant association
between Year Level and Subject preference of
the High School Student?
- Use Chi-Square Test for Independence
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Arrange and encode data in Excel format and transfer in SPSS

Step 2: Encode data for Each subject in Data View of SPSS

Step 3: Assign numbers for each year level and in Data View of SPSS

Step 4: Code the year level with the assigned numbers (follow
the steps in the previous slides in data coding) in Data View of
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Chi-Square Test for Independence

Variable View Data View

Continuation Q7
Click: Analyze
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Chi-Square Test for Independence Select Descriptive Statistics

Click: Crosstabs
Continuation Q7 Select Year Level for columns
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Chi-Square Test for Independence Click: Arrow

Select : Subject Preference for row

Click: Arrow

Note: Rows are for the Dependent variables

Columns are for Independent variables
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Chi-Square Test for Independence Click: Statistics
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Chi-Square Test for Independence Select: Chi-square,
Correlations, Phi and
Cramer’s V then click

PHI: Used to measure the strength

of the association between two
variables, each of which has only
two categories. ... CRAMER'S V:
Used to measure the strength of
the association between one
nominal variable with either
another nominal variable, or with
an ordinal variable.
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Chi-Square Test for Independence Click: Cells
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Chi-Square Test for Independence
Select: Observed and
Expected then click
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Chi-Square Test for Independence
Click: OK
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Result of Chi-Square Test for Independence
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Result of Chi-Square Test for Independence
Subject Preference * Year Level Cross tabulation
  Year Level Total
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
Count 25 8 38 30 101
Expected Count 30.2 21.4 25.1 24.3 101.0
Filipino Count 22 17 7 18 64
Expected Count 19.1 13.6 15.9 15.4 64.0
Count 17 22 16 10 65
Subject Preference Makabayan
Expected Count 19.4 13.8 16.2 15.6 65.0
Count 19 11 21 23 74
Expected Count 22.1 15.7 18.4 17.8 74.0
Count 24 18 7 5 54
Expected Count 16.1 11.5 13.4 13.0 54.0
Total Count 107 76 89 86 358
Expected Count 107.0 76.0 89.0 86.0 358.0
Continuation Q7
Computation using SPSS
Result of Chi-Square Test for Independence
Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) To determine association between preferred subjects and
Pearson Chi- 50.501
12 .000 year levels, the chi-square test for association is used. The
Square a

Likelihood Ratio 54.172 12 .000 computed test statistic for chi-square test of association is
Linear-by-Linear 9.577 1 .002
50.50 df 12 with p-value of <0.000. Since p-value is less
Association than 0.05, the null hypothesis that year level and subject
N of Valid Cases 358    
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The preference of high school students are independent
minimum expected count is 11.46. should be rejected. The result shows that there is a
significant association between year level and subject
Question #8. Is there a significant difference
in the Filipino mean score of the Senior
Education student of WMSU when the
variable is categorized according to gender
with respect to type of school?
- Two way ANOVA
Continuation Q8
Click: Analyze
Computation using SPSS
Computation of Two way anova Select General Linear Model

Click: Univariate
Continuation Q8
Computation using SPSS
Computation of Two way anova
Dependent Variables: Filipino

Independent Variables: Gender &

Type of Schools

Click: Plots
Continuation Q8
Computation using SPSS
Computation of Two way anova
Horizontal Axis: Gender
Separate Lines: TOS

Click: Add
Continuation Q8
Computation using SPSS
Computation of Two way anova

Click: Continue
Continuation Q8
Computation using SPSS
Computation of Two way anova

Click: Post Hoc

Continuation Q8
Computation using SPSS
Computation of Two way anova

Post Hoc Tests for:

Select: Scheffe

Click: Continue
Continuation Q8
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Two way anova

Click: Options
Continuation Q8
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Two way anova

Display means for: Gender, TOS,


Select: Descriptive Statistics,

Estimate of Effects Size,
Homogeneity Test

Click: Continue
Continuation Q8
Computation using SPSS
Step 1: Computation of Two way manova

Click: Ok
Continuation Q8
Continuation Q8

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