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Presentation by pohui
Отец матвея и нейросети
Инфа для Лизочки
A Concise History of Neural Networks
The idea of neural networks began
unsurprisingly as a model of how neurons in the
brain function, termed ‘connectionism’ and used
connected circuits to simulate intelligent
behaviour .In 1943, portrayed with a simple
electrical circuit by neurophysiologist Warren
McCulloch and mathematician Walter Pitts.
Donald Hebb took the idea further in his book,
The Organization of Behaviour (1949), proposing
that neural pathways strengthen over each
successive use, especially between neurons that
tend to fire at the same time thus beginning the
long journey towards quantifying the complex
processes of the brain.
Я помню пенис большой/Art and Artificial Intelligence

Artists employ neural networks to enhance or augment

their artistic efforts, as well as to generate totally
new works of art. Although digital art has long been
recognized as a distinct medium, Adobe's Wetbrush
technology is blurring the barrier between digital art
and painting.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) will be one of the
most important information processing paradigms since
the invention of the computer, as they are inspired by
the way biological nerve systems work.
An artificial neural network (ANN) is a type of
computer that mimics the activities of the human
brain. The network's neural units are linked together,
allowing it to learn and accomplish complicated tasks
like speech recognition and machine translation.

What is deep fake?

Deep-fake technology allows easy and high reliability replacing of people's faces in
video recordings. Thus, one can falsify almost any video with this or that person. With
the development of neural networks, it became available to non-professionals, with
minimal hardware requirements and time costs. To train neural networks, you need a
large number of freely available images of a person.
What are the dangers of technology?

1.Unable to configure automatic detection of counterfeits

2.The role of the moderator is growing. Only a person is able (and even then not
always) to recognize a fake
3.Deepfake detection is triggered too late
4.It is extremely difficult to remove from the Web what once got there. You can remove
video from the site, but impossible from messengers
5.Deepfakes can take political propaganda and counterpropaganda to levels never seen
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The Future of Neural Networks

All current NN technologies will most likely be vastly improved upon in the future.
Everything from handwriting and speech recognition to stock market prediction will
become more sophisticated as researchers develop better training methods and network
architectures. Neural Networks might, in the future, allow:

●robots that can see, feel, and predict the world around
●improved stock prediction
●common usage of self-driving cars
●composition of music
●handwritten documents to be automatically
transformed into formatted word processing
●trends found in the human genome to aid in the
understanding of the data compiled by the Human
Genome Project
●self-diagnosis of medical problems using neural

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