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High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Blood Pressure
Top number (systolic) -measures the force of blood on arteries when the heart beats

Bottom number (diastolic) - measures force of blood on arteries between beats

What Is High Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure that stays elevated more than 140/90
more than 130/80 if you have:
diabetes mild kidney disease heart disease

Effects of High Blood Pressure on Your Body

Artery Damage

Effects of High Blood Pressure on Your Body

Hardening of the arteries Stroke Heart attack Kidney damage Blindness

Signs and Symptoms

Called the silent killer because most people have no signs or symptoms Headaches, nosebleeds, and dizziness dont occur until blood pressure is dangerously high

Causes of High Blood Pressure

Usually unknown Narrowing of the arteries Fast heart rate Kidney disease Medications Thyroid disease

Who Gets High Blood Pressure?

African Americans more than whites People who: are older are overweight have high blood pressure in the family

How Do You Know If You Have High Blood Pressure?

Have your blood pressure checked at least every two years Blood pressure varies during the day At least 3 readings on different days are needed to diagnose high blood pressure

Controlling Your Blood Pressure

Lifestyle Changes
Healthy eating plan Limit sodium Achieve a healthy weight Exercise/physical activity even without weight loss

Controlling Your Blood Pressure

Lifestyle Changes
Dont smoke Limit alcohol Manage stress

Follow a Healthy Eating Plan

Eat more fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods Include whole grains, poultry, fish and nuts Eat less fat, red meat, sweets and sugared beverages

Limit Sodium and Salt

Research shows that eating less sodium and salt lowers blood pressure Lower your sodium intake by:
Eating out less often Buying fresh, frozen or unsalted canned foods Choosing foods with less than 400 mg/serving Buying low- or reduced-sodium, or no salt added foods Using less salt

Get Enough Potassium

Potassium helps lower blood pressure
Helps balance the amount of sodium in your body If you dont get enough potassium, you can accumulate too much sodium

Foods high in potassium include:

Fruits, vegetables, dairy foods, and fish

Lose Weight if Overweight

Bigger people need more blood to supply nutrients to the body Losing even 10 pounds can lower blood pressure

Be Physically Active
Inactivity increases your risk of being overweight Heart muscles have to work harder with each contraction, increasing the force on the arteries Walking 30 minutes a day helps lower blood pressure

Stop Smoking
Smoking damages blood vessel walls and causes early hardening of the arteries Nicotine narrows your blood vessels and forces your heart to work harder

Limit Alcohol
Heavy drinking (3 or more drinks/day) can damage your heart muscle Cutting back to a moderate level of drinking can lower your blood pressure
no more than 2 drinks a day for men no more than 1 drink a day for women

Manage Stress
High levels of stress can temporarily cause a dramatic increase in blood pressure Develop relaxation techniques to deal with stress

Blood Pressure Medications

Lower blood pressure in many different ways More than one type may be needed
diuretics beta-blockers ACE-inhibitors calcium channel blockers

Points to Remember
Lifestyle changes that can prevent and control high blood pressure include:
Healthy eating - emphasizing fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods Choosing and preparing foods with less salt and sodium Losing weight if overweight Increasing physical activity Drinking in moderation if you drink alcoholic beverages

List alternatives for these high-sodium foods

Hardees Sausage and Cheese Biscuit

Rotisserie chicken Canned green beans with cream of mushroom soup and onion rings Instant mashed potatoes Cornbread

Smoked turkey and American cheese sandwich Canned vegetable soup Potato chips

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