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Vocabulary plays a great role in language learning as learners would face difficulties

in language learning if they have insufficient vocabulary knowledge. The advent of new
technologies has encouraged the development of mobile assisted language learning
(MALL) and the increase in mobile apps for vocabulary learning. Nonetheless, it would
seem that there is a dearth in research on the use of mobile apps for vocabulary learning
especially in our local contexts.
Teaching a foreign language as a means of communication is of
particular importance in the modern school. The main goal in
teaching foreign languages ​is the formation and development of the
communicative competence of schoolchildren, the practical
mastery of a foreign language. Therefore, one of the most
important problems in teaching foreign languages ​at the present
stage is the choice of the most effective methods, techniques, forms
and means of teaching.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of the use of
social services and applications in the study of vocabulary in
English lessons.
The object of the research is vocabulary learning.
The subject is the use of social services and applications in the
study of vocabulary in English lessons.
To improve the quality and efficiency of the educational process,
it is advisable to combine innovative and traditional approaches.
Blended learning technology shows high results and creates the
best conditions for student learning. The introduction of a cloud-
based learning environment provides conditions for ubiquitous
access to educational materials, which is an important component
for the development of the latest learning technologies.
E-learning is when one uses electronic media information and
communication technologies in education. Elearning can be seen in
nearly all types of educational technology in either learning or
teaching. E-learning is enriched with various types of media that
delivers text, audio, image animation and streaming videos. E-
learning can happen in or out of classroom or the learning context.
It can be self-paced, with the help of instructor, synchronous or
The educational process can be diversified by using the OneNote
tool, which is included in the Office 365 suite. OneNote is an
electronic version of a paper electronic notebook in which you can
create notes, write down thoughts, ideas, notes, reminders, and any
other information.
Today total informatization of society is known to lead to
widespread popularization not only of social networks, but also of
accessible Internet services. Young people are able to use social
servers with any possible device (smartphone, personal computer,
netbook, and tablet). That simplifies and improves the process of
online communication. It prompts the teacher to review their
teaching methods. The study draws attention to the possibilities of
using the Internet space in educational activities in general. Social
networks provide an opportunity for free, cheap, simplified and
direct contact with a teaching audience; help to engage in
discussions, explore new topics, acquire and consolidate new
knowledge and skills, evaluate their work and the work of their
colleagues, think critically.
Social networks have didactic characteristics and allow you to
effectively and creatively solve problems using an individual
approach. As active users of social networks, students can use these
resources not only for entertainment purposes, but also to gain
knowledge and communication skills in a foreign language. The
key didactic characteristics of such social networks as Lang-8,
MyLanguageExchange, Interpals, Youtube are the development of
oral speech and writing, the improvement of spelling and
punctuation skills, an increase in the level of grammatical material,
and the expansion of the worldview. The use of social networks
Instagram, Facebook, TikTok is an effective additional tool for
learning a foreign language, which activates the learning process
and motivates to learn a foreign language.

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