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When you need to visit a

Gastrologist / Hepatologist in
Someone has undoubtedly advised you to consult a
gastroenterologist, often known as a GI doctor, if
you experience unexplained or regular digestive
disorders, such as stomach discomfort or changes
in your bowel habits.
However, if you have never visited
a gastroenterologist or Hepatologist in Patna, you
might be unclear if your digestive problems
actually call for a consultation. Even so, you may be
wondering what a gastroenterologist does. What is
the role of a gastroenterologist?
The digestive system includes the gastrointestinal
tract (oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large
intestine, rectum, and anus), as well as the
pancreas, liver, bile ducts, and gallbladder.
A gastrologist  is a specialist with knowledge of the
disorders and diseases that affect the digestive
system. A gastroenterologist can assist with the
following digestive problems and conditions:
When must a patient visit a gastroenterologist?
Below are seven justifications to think about consulting a
1. Persistent diarrhea
Many factors, including food, infection, and some drugs, can
cause diarrhea. However, you should see a GI specialist if
your feces are frequently more watery than solid. IBS, IBD,
or small bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), among other
digestive problems, can all be indicated by chronic diarrhea
2. persistent or serious heartburn

Regular heartburn shouldn't cause too much worry, and the

good news is that it can usually be treated at home by you
on your own. The lining of the oesophagus can get damaged
and scarred over time if you have heartburn sensations more
frequently than a few times per week, which may be a sign
of GERD.
3. Observably feeling bloated

Bloating, which can make you feel as though your stomach is full
or tight, is frequently brought on by conditions that lead to
excessive gas production, gas sensitivity, or gas that has
become stuck in your colon.
constipation can make you feel bloated because the longer
waste remains in your colon, the more probable it is that the
colon's indigenous bacteria will ferment it and release gas.
Bloating can also be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome
(IBS), a dietary sensitivity like lactose intolerance, SIBO (small
intestinal bacterial overgrowth), or gastroparesis (partial
stomach paralysis).
A gastroenterologist/gastrologist in Patna can assist you in
determining the precise reason of your bloating and the best
course of treatment.

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