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Functions in C

 In c, we can divide a large program into the basic building
blocks known as function.
 A block of code which performs specific tasks.
 The function contains the set of programming statements
enclosed by {}.
 A function can be called multiple times to provide reusability
and modularity to the C program.
 Once a function execution is completed, the control return to
the place from where the function was called.
 The function is also known as procedure or subroutine in other
programming languages.
Advantages of functions
 By using functions, we can avoid rewriting same logic/code
again and again in a program.
 We can call C functions any number of times in a program and
from any place in a program.
 We can track a large C program easily when it is divided into
multiple functions.
 Reusability is the main achievement of C functions.
 However, Function calling is always a overhead in a C
Types of functions
Built-in Functions

 They are written in header files

 To use them appropriate header files should be included.

Header files Functions Defined

stdio.h printf(),scanf(),gets(),puts(),getchar(),
conio.h getch(), clrscr()
math.h pow(),sqrt(),cos(),log()
stdlib.h rand(),exit()
string.h Strlen(),strcat(),strrev(),strcmp(), strlwr(),
User defined functions

 Written by the user at the runtime of programming.

 There are three aspects of a C function.
 Function Declaration
 Function call
 Function definition
Function declaration

 A function must be declared globally in a c program to

tell the compiler about the function name, function
parameters, and return type.
 Syntax
return_type function_name (argument list);
 Example
int sum(int a,int b);
Function call
 Function can be called from anywhere in the program.
 A function can be called by specifying name and list of
arguments enclosed in parenthesis and separated by comma.
 If there is no argument empty parenthesis are placed after
function name.
 If function return a value, function call is written as
assignment statement.
 Syntax
 Example
Function definition
  It contains the actual statements which are to be
 It is the most important aspect to which the control
comes when the function is called.
 Here, we must notice that only one value can be
returned from the function.
 Syntax
return_type function_name (argument list)
function body;
Return Value
 A C function may or may not return a value from the
function. If you don't have to return any value from
the function, use void for the return type.
 If you want to return any value from the function, you
need to use any data type such as int, long, char, etc.
 The return type depends on the value to be returned
from the function.
void sum(int ,int); //Function declaration
void main()
int a,b;
printf(“\nEnter two integers:”);
sum(a,b); //Function Call
void sum(int a,int b) //Function definition
Categories of function

 function without arguments and without return value

 function without arguments and with return value
 function with arguments and without return value
 function with arguments and with return value
function without arguments and without return value

void sum(); //Function declaration
void main()
sum(); //Function Call
void sum() //Function definition
int a,b;
printf(“\nEnter two integers:”);
function without arguments and with return value

int sum(); //Function declaration
void main()
int x;
x=sum(); //Function Call
int sum() //Function definition
int a,b;
printf(“\nEnter two integers:”);
function with arguments and without return value

void sum(int,int); //Function declaration
void main()
int a,b;
printf(“\nEnter two integers:”);
sum(a,b); //Function Call
void sum(int a,int b) //Function definition
function with arguments and with return value



int sum(int,int); //Function declaration

void main()

int a,b,x;

printf(“\nEnter two integers:”);


x=sum(a,b); //Function Call



int sum(int a,int b) //Function definition


Parameter Passing methods
 There are two methods to pass the data into the function
in C language, i.e., call by value and call by reference.
Call by value

 Copies the value of actual parameter to formal

 During execution whatever changes are made in the
formal parameters are not reflected back in the actual
Call by reference

 Reference(address) of the original variable is passed.

 Function does not create its own copy, it refers to the
original values by reference.
 Functions work with original data and changes are made
in the original data.
Difference between call by
value and call by reference
 A function that calls itself is known as a recursive function.
int sum(int n);
int main()
int number, result;
printf("Enter a positive integer: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
result = sum(number);
printf("sum = %d", result);
return 0;
int sum(int n)
if (n != 0)
return n + sum(n-1);
return n;
Storage classes
 Storage classes in C are used to determine the lifetime,
visibility, memory location, and initial value of a
 There are four types of storage classes in C
 Automatic
 External
 Static
 Register
 Automatic variables are allocated memory automatically
at runtime.
 The visibility of the automatic variables is limited to the
block in which they are defined.
 The scope of the automatic variables is limited to the
block in which they are defined.
 The automatic variables are initialized to garbage by
 The memory assigned to automatic variables gets freed
upon exiting from the block.
 The keyword used for defining automatic variables is auto.
 Every local variable is automatic in C by default.

void main()  
int a; //auto  
char b;  
float c;   
printf("%d %c %f",a,b,c);   

 The variables defined as static specifier can hold their

value between the multiple function calls.
 Static local variables are visible only to the function or
the block in which they are defined.
 A same static variable can be declared many times but
can be assigned at only one time.
 Default initial value of the static integral variable is 0
otherwise null.
 The visibility of the static global variable is limited to
the file in which it has declared.
 The keyword used to define static variable is static.
void sum()  
static int a = 10;  
static int b = 24;   
printf("%d %d \n",a,b);  
void main()  
int i;  
for(i = 0; i< 3; i++)  

 The variables defined as the register is allocated the memory

into the CPU registers depending upon the size of the memory
remaining in the CPU.
 We can not dereference the register variables, i.e., we can not
use &operator for the register variable.
 The access time of the register variables is faster than the
automatic variables.
 The initial default value of the register local variables is 0.
 The register keyword is used for the variable which should be
stored in the CPU register.
 We can store pointers into the register, i.e., a register can store
the address of a variable.
 Static variables can not be stored into the register since we can
not use more than one storage specifier for the same variable.
void main()  
register int a; 
 The external storage class is used to tell the compiler
that the variable defined as extern is declared with an
external linkage elsewhere in the program.
 The variables declared as extern are not allocated any
memory. It is only declaration and intended to specify
that the variable is declared elsewhere in the program.
 The default initial value of external integral type is 0
otherwise null.
 We can only initialize the extern variable globally, i.e.,
we can not initialize the external variable within any
block or method.
 An external variable can be declared many times but can
be initialized at only once.

int a;   
int main()  
extern int a;

extern int a;  
int a = 10;   
#include <stdio.h>  
int main()  
int a = 20; // compiler will show an error at this line   
Storage Storage Default Scope Lifetime
classes place value
auto RAM Garbage Local Within function
extern RAM Zero Global Till the end of the
main program Maybe
declared anywhere in
the program
static RAM Zero Local Till the end of the
main program, Retains
value between
multiple functions call
register Register Zero Local Within function

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