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Business process

A business process or business method is a

collection of interrelated tasks, which solve a
particular issue.
”a collection of activities that takes one or
more kinds of input and creates an output that
is of value to the customer.” They define a
process as
”a set of linked activities that take an input
and transform it to create an output. Ideally
Types of processes
 Two types of processes, primary Process
and support processes,
depending on whether a process is directly
involved in the creation of customer value,
 Secondary process concerned with the
organization’s internal activities
characteristics for a business
• Definability: It must have clearly defined boundaries,
input and output.
• Order: It must consist of activities that are ordered
according to their position in time and space.
• Customer: There must be a recipient of the process'
outcome, a customer.
• Value-adding: The transformation taking place within
the process must add value to the recipient, either
upstream or downstream.
• Embeddedness: A process can not exist in itself, it
must be embedded in an organizational structure.
• Cross-functionality: A process regularly can, but not
necessarily must, space several functions.
Type of business processes
• Management processes, the processes that
govern the operation of a system. Typical
management processes include "Corporate
Governance" and "Strategic Management".
• Operational processes, processes that
constitute the core business and create the
primary value stream. Typical operational
processes are Purchasing, Manufacturing,
Marketing, and Sales.
• Supporting processes, which support the core
processes. Examples include Accounting,
Recruitment, IT-support.

• A process is "a structured, measured

set of activities designed to produce a
specified output for a particular
customer or market
• Business Process Redesign is "the
analysis and design of
workflows(activities)and processes
within and between organizations"
Cost benefit analysis
• A cost benefit analysis is done to
determine how well, or how poorly, a
planned action will turn out. Although a
cost benefit analysis can be used for
almost anything, it is most commonly done
on financial questions. Since the cost
benefit analysis relies on the addition of
positive factors and the subtraction of
negative ones to determine a net result, it
is also known as running the numbers.
Project management

Project management is the discipline of

organizing and managing resources (e.g.
people) in a way that the project is completed
within defined scope, quality, time and cost
A project is a temporary and one-time
endeavor undertaken to create a unique
product or service, which brings about
beneficial change or added value
Challenge of project management

• The first challenge of project management is to

make sure that a project is delivered within
defined constraints.
• The second, more ambitious challenge is the
optimized allocation and integration of inputs
needed to meet pre-defined objectives. A project
is a carefully defined set of activities that use
resources (money, people, materials, energy,
space, provisions, communication, etc.) to meet
the pre-defined objectives.
Elements of Project Management

• All projects have three basic elements:

tasks, resources and time. These are
interrelated and any change in one has an
effect on the other two. This is one area
where Microsoft Project excels. Whenever
you make any changes, the affect of those
changes will become instantly visible
through Microsoft Project’s graphical
presentation of your project.
Secrets of Successful Project
• Managing software projects is difficult
under the best circumstances.
Unfortunately, many new project
managers receive virtually no job training.
Sometimes you must rely on coaching and
survival tips from people who have already
done their tour of duty in the project
management trenches.

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