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Krisnawati Jenny Pertiwi Alifia Nur Sabilla
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M. Khaqul firdaus
Hellen Trimustika Sari
Explanation Structure
Definition of
Synthesizing Key Features of a ART
Steps to write
Definition of Synthesizing

Synthesising is an important and complex skill

required in academic writing. Synthesising
involves combining ideas from a range of
sources in order to group and present common
ideas or arguments.
Key Features of a Synthesizing

• Combine information and ideas from multiple sources to develop

and strengthen your argument(s).
• Demonstrate that you have read widely on the topic.
• Use and cite multiple sources.
So for the conclusion to synthesize means to start with different, unrelated
parts, search out relationships, and put the parts together to make a new
whole. Reading and writing to synthesize means that a person reads
information from many sources relating to a particular topic or question.

Boiled down to its simplest term, to synthesize information means to

combine the information.
When you are asked to write a synthesis, you are being asked to consider
various pieces of information or research and to find the ways they agree,
disagree, and intersect.
In a review of literature, you’ll likely focus on the different ways the sources
treat the subject.
Steps to write Synthesising

1.Identify appropriate texts to You may find it helpful to use footnotes

and references in one scholarly source to find other relevant sources.
2.Read the sources carefully in relation to your Take notes or annotate
copies of your research in order to retrieve relevant information easily.
3. Think about the connections across you Do they agree or disagree?
source has a suitable background.
4. Develop an overall point or conclusion to serve as the organizing
thesis of your If you are writing a review of literature, your thesis
statement should focus on how the various texts relate to each
5.Write a first Develop the points made in each of your paragraphs
through details from your sources.
6.Document the sources of your information following the reqired
or appropriate citation.
7.Revise the draft according to the writing structure.

Ang (2016) found that small businesses that followed the theory of
financial management reduced business
costs by 12%, while Sonfield (2015) found that this theory reduced
costs by 17%.
These studies together confirmed that adopting the theory of
financial management reduces costs for U.S. small businesses.
In this text, we can find two sources of information that bring
similar facts. It is ‘the theory of financial management reduces
Bussiness costs by 12% and 17%. So the last sentence is the
synthesis of those two evidence.
Write the story in your own words. The way you have clustered facts and
concepts, the sequence in which you present them, your new comparisons, ideas,
and conclusions-this is all your own original work. Be proud. But remember: you
need to attribute facts, ideas, and quotations to their original sources. Give credit
to the work that inspired you.
Practice. Research and writing are both lifelong skills that improve with practice
and feedback. The more you do, the better skilled you become. You will also be
able to work faster and enjoy the process more each time.

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