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Adult Literacy Programmes


What is Adult Literacy?

 Adult Literacy
Adult literacy is the ability of adults to use a language i.e. to read,
write, listen and speak. Adult Literacy includes basic literacy,
desirable knowledge pertaining to civic needs, personal hygiene
and adopting political and occupational skills.
Factors contributing to Adult illiteracy

 Poverty : A major contributor to widespread Adult illiteracy is lack of money.

 Gender Issues : In a country where the sex ratio favors females, it automatically
translates into more number of illiterates.
 Cultural Issues : Culture and tradition don’t favor education as much as they do to
traditional forms of occupational skills.
 Population : To be counted among the top most populated countries is indeed a
contributing factor in illiteracy.
 Lack of Education Resources : Rural areas and areas with difficult terrain don't have
schools or educational sources.
Impact of Adult Literacy

Increase Civic Greater Personal Better Health and

Engagements Income Healthcare
Better educated and more literate adults fare better

Higher rates of employment and better jobs

Substantial increases in personal income
Increased fiscal contributions to government
Levels of greater success for their children
Increased voter participation
Civic engagement
Better health and more effective healthcare

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