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Business, Government & Society

Gover Government, Society


Business encompasses a broad range of
actions, institutions, and operations
 The purpose of which is to make a profit by

providing products and services that satisfy

human needs.
Government refers to structures and processes
in society that authoritatively make and apply
policies and rules.
Society is a network of human relations including ideas,
institutions, and material things.

a) Ideas are intangible objects of thought. Ideas include the

(i) Values, or enduring beliefs about which fundamental life
choices are correct.
(ii) Ideologies, or bundles of values that create worldviews.

b)Institutions are formal patterns of relationships that link

people together to accomplish a goal. A range of
institutions is necessary to support markets.

c)Material things are the tangible artifacts of a society.  

Importance of BGS to Managers
 Responsive towards the economical and non-
economical environment.
 A firm must operates not only within the

markets but within a society is critical.

Social Agreement=Business Institution+

Models of the BGS
Market Capitalism
Capitalism- An economic ideology with a
bundle of values including private ownership
of means of production, the profit motive,
free competition, and limited government
restraint in markets.
 The market capitalism model depicts the
relationship as a set of arrangements in
accord with the assumptions of classical

 It is assumed that social responsibility is

measured primarily as economic performance
that enhances social welfare.
Conclusions with this Model:
 Government regulation should be limited
 Markets will discipline private economic
activity to promote social welfare
 The proper measure of corporate
performance is profit
 The ethical duty of management is to
promote the interests of owners and
Dominance Model:

 The dominance model represents society as a

pyramid. Atop it, business and government

 This is the model of business critics. It

suggests that business has too much
unchecked power
 In it, business and government dominate the
great mass of people.

 Corporations and a powerful elite control

system that enriches a few at the expense of
the many. Such a system is undemocratic.
Countervailing Forces Model:

 The countervailing forces model shows flows

of power and influence among environmental
factors, the public, government, and

 The power of each element can rise or fall

depending on factors as the subject at issue,
the strength of competing intersects, the
intensity of feeling, and the influence of
Conclusions with this model
 Business is deeply integrated into an open
society and must respond to many forces. It
is not isolated from any part of society, nor is
it always dominant.

 Business is a major force acting on

government, the public, and environmental
 To maintain broad public support, business
must adjust to social, political, and economic
forces it can influence but not control.

 BGS relationships evolve as changes take

place in the ideas, institutions, and processes
of society
Stakeholder Model
 The stakeholder model sets the corporation
at the center of a set of mutual relationships
with persons and groups.
 It promotes the idea that firms have ethical

duties and social responsibilities toward a

wide range of stakeholders due to their
impacts on them.
Primary Stakeholders
 Entities in a relationship with the corporation
in which they, the corporation, or both are
affected immediately, continuously, and

 Ex: Stockholders (owners), customers,

employees, communities, and governments.
Secondary Stakeholders
 Entities in a relationship with the corporation
in which the effects on them, the corporation,
or both are less significant and pressing.

 Ex: activists, trade associations, politicians.

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