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By: Novita Putri Samira

According to one definition, a state is a community formed by
people and exercising permanent power within a specified
According to international law, a state is typically defined as
being based on the 1933 Montevideo Convention.
According to Article 1 of the Convention, the state
as a person of international law should possess
the following qualifications: 
1. Permanent population
2. Defined territory
3. Government
4. Capacity to enter into relations with the other
What is a Permanent Population?
What is Defined Territory?
Defined Territory is area which is under
the control of the State and at the same
time becomes a residence for the people.
The territory of the State includes land,
sea and air. The border must be
determined. However, border disputes do
not affect the existence of a statehood.
The Meaning of Government
a government that has the highest
power to secure, maintain,
regulate, and carry out procedures
for the full administration of the
Capacity to enter into relations
with the other states
- This element is difficult to fulfill.
- Recognition applies for states and
Declarative elements of a
country's theory
Beyond the absolute elements above there
are still declarative elements, where these
elements are important for a country even
though they are not an absolute element.
Examples of declarative elements
 Destination country,
 Constitution,
 De jure or De facto recognition from other
 and the inclusion of the state in the
association of nations (PBB).
Elements of the formation of the state can be divided into 2
types, namely constitutive elements and declarative elements.
The constitutive element is an element that absolutely must
exist when the State is established.
Declarative elements are elements that do not have to exist
when the State is established but may be fulfilled after the
State is established.
Thankyou 

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