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Post-Colonialism and political

instability: The case of Brazil

Lecturer : Iago de Macedo

Art Crédits: @titocmendes

1. What does the colonization of Brazil means?

Sugarcane Cycle (1540-1660) Gold Cycle (1680-1780)
2. The particularity of Brazilian independence:
“Revolution from above” commanded by the
landed aristocracy. (1822-1930)

The Royal Family in Brazil (1808-1821) Coffee Cycle (XIX-1930)
3. The “developmentalist” interlude: struggle for
economical and political sovereignty (1930-1985)

Getulio Vargas (1930-1945 and
1950-54) Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985)
4. The New Republic, its rise and crisis (1985-2021).
• “The lost decade” and the “Slow, safe and gradual transition”.
• Neoliberalism in Latin-America: De-industrialization and financialization.
• The “Neodevelopmentalism”: national industry and agrinusiness.

• Global financial crisis and the “neodevelopmentalism crisis”
• 2013 protests, “lava-jato/operation car-wash” and the actual political instability

Fernando Henrique Cardoso Lula (2003-2010)

(1995-2002) Jair Bolsonaro (2018-?)

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