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 HTML to define the content of web
    CSS to specify the layout of web
   JavaScript to program the behavior of
web pages
 How do I get JavaScript?
 Where can I download JavaScript?
 Is JavaScript Free?
The <script> Tag

 In HTML, JavaScript code is inserted

between <script> and </script> tags.
 Old JavaScript examples may use a type
attribute: <script type="text/javascript">.
 You can place any number of scripts in
an HTML document.
 Scripts can be placed in the <body>, or
in the <head> section of an HTML page,
or in both.
The <script> Tag
 Placing scripts at the bottom of the
<body> element improves the display
speed, because script interpretation slows
down the display.
 Scripts can also be placed in external files
 JavaScript files have the file extension .js.
 External scripts cannot
contain <script> tags.
The <script> Tag
 An external script can be referenced in 3
different ways:
 With a full URL (a full web address)
 With a file path (like /js/)
 Without any path

 JavaScript Can Change HTML Content

 getElementById()
 document.getElementById("demo").inne
rHTML = "Hello JavaScript";

 JavaScript Can Change HTML Attribute

 JavaScript changes the value of
the src (source) attribute of
an <img> tag
 <button
mage').src='pic_bulbon.gif'">Turn on the

 JavaScript Can Change HTML Styles

 document.getElementById("demo").style
.fontSize = "35px";

 JavaScript Can Hide HTML Elements

 Hiding HTML elements can be done by
changing the display style
 document.getElementById("demo").style
.display = "none";

 Showing hidden HTML elements can

also be done by changing
the display style
 document.getElementById("demo").style
.display = "block";
JavaScript Output
 Writing to an HTML element, using innerHTML
 <script>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 
5 + 6;
 Writing to HTML output, using  document.write()
 The document.write() method should only be used
for testing.
 <script>
document.write(5 + 6);
JavaScript Output
 Writing into an alert box,
using window.alert().
 <script>
window.alert(5 + 6);
 Writing into the browser console,
using console.log().
 <script>
console.log(5 + 6);
JavaScript Print
 JavaScript does not have any print object or
print methods.
 You cannot access output devices from
 The only exception is that you can call
the window.print() method in the browser to
print the content of the current window.
 <button onclick="window.print()">Print this
JavaScript Keywords
Keyword Description
var Declares a variable
let Declares a block variable
const Declares a block constant
if Marks a block of statements to be
executed on a condition

switch Marks a block of statements to be

executed in different cases

for Marks a block of statements to be

executed in a loop

function Declares a function

return Exits a function
try Implements error handling to a block of
JavaScript Values

 The JavaScript syntax defines two types

of values:
 Fixed values
 Variable values
 Fixed values are called Literals.
 Variable values are called Variables.
JavaScript Operators

 arithmetic operators ( + - * / )
to compute values:
  assignment operator ( = )
to assign values to variables:
JavaScript Expressions

 An expression is a combination of
values, variables, and operators, which
computes to a value.
 The computation is called an evaluation.
JavaScript Identifiers / Names
 Identifiers are JavaScript names.
 Identifiers are used to name variables and
keywords, and functions.
 The rules for legal names are the same in most
programming languages.
 A JavaScript name must begin with:
 A letter (A-Z or a-z)
 A dollar sign ($)
 Or an underscore (_)
 Subsequent characters may be letters, digits,
underscores, or dollar signs.
JavaScript Variable
 4 Ways to Declare a JavaScript
 Using var
 Using let
 Using const
 Using nothing
JavaScript Identifiers

 Names can contain letters, digits,

underscores, and dollar signs.
 Names must begin with a letter
 Names can also begin with $ and _ (but
we will not use it in this tutorial)
 Names are case sensitive (y and Y are
different variables)
 Reserved words (like JavaScript
keywords) cannot be used as names
JavaScript Comparison Operators

Operator Description
== equal to
=== equal value and equal type
!= not equal
!== not equal value or not equal type
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
? ternary operator
JavaScript Bitwise Operators

Operator Descriptio Example Same as Result Decimal

& AND 5&1 0101 & 0001  1
| OR 5|1 0101 | 0001 0101  5
~ NOT ~5  ~0101 1010  10
^ XOR 5^1 0101 ^ 0100  4
<< left shift 5 << 1 0101 << 1 1010  10
>> right shift 5 >> 1 0101 >> 1 0010  2
>>> unsigned 5 >>> 1 0101 >>> 1 0010  2
right shift
 The W3C DOM standard is separated
into 3 different parts:
 Core DOM - standard model for all
document types
 XML DOM - standard model for XML
 HTML DOM - standard model for HTML
 The HTML DOM is a
standard object model
and programming interface 
 The HTML elements as objects
 The properties of all HTML elements
 The methods to access all HTML
 The events for all HTML elements
Property Description DOM
document.anchors Returns all <a> 1
elements that have a
name attribute
document.applets Deprecated 1
document.baseURI Returns the absolute 3
base URI of the
document.body Returns the <body> 1
document.cookie Returns the 1
document's cookie
document.doctype Returns the 3
document's doctype
document.documentEl Returns the <html> 3
ement element
Property Description DOM

document.documentMod Returns the mode used 3

e by the browser
document.documentURI Returns the URI of the 3
document.domain Returns the domain 1
name of the document

document.domConfig Obsolete. 3
document.embeds Returns all <embed> 3
document.forms Returns all <form> 1
document.head Returns the <head> 3
document.images Returns all <img> 1
Property Description DOM

document.implementa Returns the DOM 3

tion implementation

document.inputEncodi Returns the 3

ng document's encoding
(character set)

document.lastModified Returns the date and 3

time the document was

document.links Returns all <area> and 1

<a> elements that
have a href attribute

document.readyState Returns the (loading) 3

status of the document
Property Description DOM

document.referrer Returns the URI of the 1

referrer (the linking

document.scripts Returns all <script> 3


document.strictErrorC Returns if error 3

hecking checking is enforced

document.title Returns the <title> 1


document.URL Returns the complete 1

URL of the document
Escape sequences
Code Result
\b Backspace
\f Form Feed
\n New Line
\r Carriage Return
\t Horizontal Tabulator
\v Vertical Tabulator
 new Date(year, month, ...) creates a new
date object with a specified date and
 7 numbers specify year, month, day,
hour, minute, second, and millisecond
 Eg:const d
= new Date(2018, 11, 24, 10, 33, 30, 0);
 6 numbers specify year, month, day,
hour, minute, second
 Eg: const d
= new Date(2018, 11, 24, 10, 33, 30);
 5 numbers specify year, month, day,
hour, and minute
 Eg: const d
= new Date(2018, 11, 24, 10, 33);
JavaScript Date Formats

Type Example
ISO Date "2015-03-25" (The International
Short Date "03/25/2015"
Long Date "Mar 25 2015" or "25 Mar 2015"
Get Date Methods
Method Description
getFullYear() Get the year as a four digit number
getMonth() Get the month as a number (0-11)
getDate() Get the day as a number (1-31)
getHours() Get the hour (0-23)
getMinutes() Get the minute (0-59)
getSeconds() Get the second (0-59)
getMilliseconds() Get the millisecond (0-999)
getTime() Get the time (milliseconds since
January 1, 1970)
getDay() Get the weekday as a number (0-
6) Get the time. ECMAScript 5.
Set Date Methods

Method Description
setDate() Set the day as a number (1-31)
setFullYear() Set the year (optionally month and
setHours() Set the hour (0-23)
setMilliseconds() Set the milliseconds (0-999)
setMinutes() Set the minutes (0-59)
setMonth() Set the month (0-11)
setSeconds() Set the seconds (0-59)
setTime() Set the time (milliseconds since
January 1, 1970)
Regular Expression Modifiers
perform case-insensitive more global searches

Modifier Description

I Perform case-insensitive matching

g Perform a global match (find all

matches rather than stopping after
the first match)

m Perform multiline matching

Regular Expression Patterns
to find a range of characters

Expression Description
[abc] Find any of the
characters between
the brackets
[0-9] Find any of the digits
between the brackets
(x|y) Find any of the
separated with |
Metacharacters are characters with a
special meaning
Metacharacter Description
\d Find a digit
\s Find a whitespace
\b Find a match at the
beginning of a word
like this: \bWORD, or
at the end of a word
like this: WORD\b
\uxxxx Find the Unicode
character specified
by the hexadecimal
number xxxx
Quantifiers define quantities
Quantifier Description
n+ Matches any string
that contains at least
one n
n* Matches any string
that contains zero or
more occurrences of n
n? Matches any string
that contains zero or
one occurrences of n

 JSON is a format for storing and

transporting data.
 JSON is often used when data is sent
from a server to a web page.
 JSON stands
for JavaScript Object Notation
 JSON is a lightweight data interchange
JSON Syntax Rules

 Data is in name/value pairs

 Data is separated by commas
 Curly braces hold objects
 Square brackets hold arrays
 The file type for JSON files is ".json"
 The MIME type for JSON text is
JSON Values

 In JSON, values must be one of the following data

a string
a number
an object
an array
a boolean
 In JavaScript values can be all of the above, plus
any other valid JavaScript expression, including:
a function
a date
JSON Example

  { "firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe" 
  { "firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smit
h" },
  { "firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jone
s" }
XML Example
    <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Doe</
    <firstName>Anna</firstName> <lastName>Smith</
    <firstName>Peter</firstName> <lastName>Jones</
JSON is Like XML Because

 Both JSON and XML are "self

describing" (human readable)
 Both JSON and XML are hierarchical
(values within values)
 Both JSON and XML can be parsed and
used by lots of programming languages
 Both JSON and XML can be fetched
with an XMLHttpRequest
JSON is Unlike XML Because

 JSON doesn't use end tag

 JSON is shorter
 JSON is quicker to read and write
 JSON can use arrays
 The biggest difference is:
  XML has to be parsed with an XML
parser. JSON can be parsed by a
standard JavaScript function
Why JSON is Better Than XML
 XML is much more difficult to parse than JSON.
JSON is parsed into a ready-to-use JavaScript
 For AJAX applications, JSON is faster and
easier than XML:
Using XML
○ Fetch an XML document
○ Use the XML DOM to loop through the document
○ Extract values and store in variables
Using JSON
○ Fetch a JSON string
○ JSON.Parse the JSON string
Valid Data Types

 In JSON, values must be one of the

following data types:
 a string
 a number
 an object (JSON object)
 an array
 a boolean
 null
JSON values cannot be one of the
following data types:
 a function
 a date
 undefined
Exception handling
 Exception handling is one of the
powerful JavaScript features to handle
errors and maintain a regular JavaScript
code/program flow.
 it discovers where the problem occurred.
Errors occur due to mistakes made by
developers, wrong input, or
unforeseeable things.
why exceptions occur 

 Dividing a number by zero: This results

in infinity, thus throwing an exception.
 When a requested file does not exist in
the system.
 When the user provides the wrong input.
 When the network drops during
JavaScript error types

 Syntax Errors: These are errors that cannot

be interpreted by the computer. These errors
stop the program from working.
 In JavaScript, these errors are:
 Spelling errors (wrong spelling such as
fiction instead of function).
 The omission of important characters, such
as not using a semicolon to end a statement.
 Use of the wrong indentation.
JavaScript error types
 Runtime Errors: These errors take place
during execution. The errors get detected
when your program runs. It crashes or
raises an exception. Thus, exception
handlers handle exception errors.
 These errors are often caused by:
 The program not being able to find data
because it does not exist.
 The data being an invalid type of data
JavaScript error types
 Logical Errors: These types of errors
do not throw an error or an exception at
all. This is because they result from the
code not doing what the developer
intends it to. It’s challenging to find
logical errors. They can only be found
through thorough testing.
Error object properties

 The error object has two properties:

 Name: It gives the error name.
 Message: It sets or returns the error
message in the form of a string.
Error objects
 EvalError: The EvalError function
indicates the error that occurred in the 
eval() function. It’s a global function that
evaluates the JavaScript string
 RangeError: RangeError exceptions
occur when a numeric value is outside
the specified range.
 ReferenceError:
A ReferenceError exception occurs
when undeclared variables are used
Error objects
 Syntax Error: A Syntax Error exception
occurs when JavaScript language rules get
 TypeError: A TypeError exception occurs
when a value is different from the one
 URIError: A URIError exception is raised
by encodeURI() and decodeURI() methods.
Exception Handling
 Throw, and Try...Catch...Finally
 The try statement defines a code block
to run (to try).
 The catch statement defines a code
block to handle any error.
 The finally statement defines a code
block to run regardless of the result.
 The throw statement defines a custom

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