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• The prevalence of each component of Mets was as follows: elevated

blood pressure (63.1%); abdominal obesity (60.1%); low high-density

lipoprotein cholesterol (35.6%); hypertriglyceridemia (29.7%); and
elevated fasting plasma glucose (28.2%).Singapore
• There were no differences in the prevalence of Mets between men
and women,
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the psoriasis group sharply
increased in participants aged in their 40s, and peaked in participants
aged in their 60s. I
Subtype of psoriasis, n (%) Psoriasis vulgaris 83 (67.5) 560 (76.1) 0.2458
Pustular psoriasis 11 (8.9) 62 (8.4) Erythrodermic psoriasis 16 (13.0) 59
(8.0) Arthritic psoriasis 11 (8.9) 45 (6.1) Mixed psoriasis 2 (1.6) 10 (1.4
Severity of psoriasis, n (%) Mild (PASI < 10) 14 (18.9) 155 (30.3) Severe
(PASI ≥10) 46 (62.2
• . Chronic plaque psoriasis was the more common clinical type accounting for 96.3%
of cases
• Psoriatic patients with MetS had more severe psoriasis (mean PASI value 20.5 and
median PASI value 18) than psoriatic subjects without MetS

• Testing evicts from a variety of factors on the presence of concomitant diseases
revealed that age and sEXwere signiWcant determinants of most conditions
• There were no differences between two groups of patients regarding
gender, smoking habits, and severity of disease


• MS was more common in female patients than male patients (P < 0.05). The
mean age of psoriasis onset in patients with MS was significantly higher
than patients without MS (P < 0.01). Prevalence of MS was not correlated
to smoking, severity of psoriasis, and duration of disease (P > 0.05) (Table 3)
• The patients with moderate to severe psoriasis had higher prevalence
of metabolic syndrome relative to patients with mild psoriasis (49.3%
vs 16.3%, p<0.001)

• In addition to that, abdominal obesity was more common among

moderate to severe psoriasis compared to mild psoriasis (
• SMoking habits have a close relationship with psoriasis: it is
associated with higher prevalence and severity of this skin disease.2

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