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<Proiect realizat de: Serban Gabriela>

-clasa a9a J-
->Trap is a new musical direction that
combines basic beat trap, electronic
music, hip-hop music, rap music and rock
music. It is not limited to official
membership and does not have a well-
established name, so it can also be called
Club Trap, EDM Trap or Trapstyle.
-El Farsante-
sec 18-30
The first stanza of the
“Extraño tu aroma en la Miss your aroma in the
Which you left when you
De ese que dejas cuando went in and out
entras y sales Where are the kisses and all
Dónde quedaron los besos y the plans?
todos los planes
No sé si vivir o morir I don't know whether to live
Me encuentro en un limbo or die
desde que te fuiste de aquí” I find myself in a rut
Since you left heren
• The lyrics convey deep feelings of sadness, loneliness
and longing that a person feels when he is abandoned
by his half. At the same time, disappointment can be
the summary of the lyrics, because the separation
destroys the future that the partners had created, and
the pain now is very difficult to heal and bear.
->Juan Carlos Ozuna Rosado,
known simply by his surname Ozuna, is
a Puerto Rican reggaeton and Latin trap
singer.All of his studio albums have
reached the top of the Billboard Top
Latin Albums, with “Aura” charting at
number seven on the Billboard 200. His
musical style is primarily reggaeton and
trap, but he has collaborated with artists
spanning a variety of genres, including
reggae, bachata, and EDM.

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