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The confectionery factory of Chisinau “Bucuria”

About Bucuria

• The confectionery factory of Chisinau SA «Bucuria» is

one of the most actively developing enterprises of the
food industry of the republic. It is the greatest and sole
in the republic of Moldova specialized enterprise for
the production of all types of sugary confectionary,
chocolate and chocolate products.
Birth of the legend

Namely this difficult, first post-war year, is according to the documents the
official date of «birth» of the confectionery factory No. 1 of Chisinau, on the
basis of which subsequently the most «tasty» enterprise of our country appeared–
SA «Bucuria». Of course, the manufactories for the production of confectionery
also existed on our lands in the past. As the historic sources say, in the period
from 1918 till 1944, 49 shops for the production of candies and confectionery
were functioning on the territory of Basarabia. In fact, there was no production in
the modern sense of the notion: the pastry and caramel was manufactured
manually, in actually hand-made conditions – on gas-stove burners, at the light of
the kerosene lamps…
The year 1946 is marked in our history by the resolution of the Council of
Ministers of the republic on the modernization and launching of the production at
the enterprise founded on the basis of the ex-artisan enterprises – factory No. 1 of
The invariably high quality, the natural verified ingredients
and the widest assortment of production – these are the
main components of the success of SA «Bucuria», which
made the company famous not only in its country, but also
far away its borders. The huge variety of denominations of
candies, chocolate, marshmallow, marmalade, biscuits,
many other sweets produced at SA «Bucuria» have long
ago become, together with the Moldavian wines, a
particular symbol of Moldova. And today, when out of the
production lines of SA «Bucuria» around 37 tones of
confectionery are received daily, it is difficult to believe
that the history of the «sweet legend» of our country began
in the far year 1946 from the association of several small
A picture of one of the first Bucuria Factory
Thank you for your attention!

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