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Anggota kelompok: -jiska putri zezaamelia (16)

-Mei afifatul fikri (18)

-Melan dwi kusmiarti (19)
-Riska tri alfizah (25)
What the Passive Voice?
In a passive voice sentence, the subject and object flip-flop. The subject
becomes the passive recipient of the action.
(Dalam kalimat pasif, subjek dan objek bertukar. Subjek menjadi
penerima pasif dari tindakan)

The tray of food was dropped by the waiter.
(Baki makanan dijatuhkan oleh pelayan)

In the case, the dropping is the

subject and it is being acted upon by Waiter (Dalam kasus ini,
menjatuhkan adalah subjek dan itu adalah sedang dilakukan oleh
S+ Be+ V3 (By + Pronoun)
Active : She buy a book
(Dia membeli sebuah buku)
Passive : A book is bought by her
(Sebuah buku dibeli olehnya)
Active : I am studying English
(Saya belajar bahasa Inggris)
Passive : English is being studied by me
(Bahasa Inggris sedang dipelajari oleh saya)
1. Simple Present Tense
Active : s+V1+0
Passive : S+is/am/are + V3 + ...


Active: Somebody holds a ceremony.

(Seseorang menyelenggarakan sebuah upacara)
Passive: A ceremony is held by somebody.
(Sebuah upacara diselenggarakan oleh seseorang)
2. Simple Past Tense
Active :S+ V2 + O
Passive :S + was/were + V3 +...

Active: The King of Majapahit built the castle.
(Raja Majapahit membangun istana)
Passive: The castle was built by the King of Majapahit.
(Istana itu dibangun oleh raja Majapahit)
3. Present Continuous Tense
Active : S+is/am/are+V-ing +0
Passive : S+is/am/are + being + V3 + ...
Example :
Active : He is reading a novel every night
(Dia membaca novel setiap malam)
Passive: A novel is being read by him every night
(Novel di baca oleh dia setiap malam)
4. Present Perfect Tense
Active : S+has/have + V3 + O
Passive : S+ has/have + been + V3

Active : She has bought a motorcycle

(Dia membeli sebuah motor)
Passive: A motorcyle has been bought by
(Sebuah motor telah di beli oleh dia)
5. Simple Future Tense
Active : S+will/shall +V1 + O
Passive : S+will/shall + be + V3+...
Active : My mother will cook the fried chicken for me
(Ibu ku akan memasak ayam goreng untuk ku)
Passive: The fried chicken will be cooked for me by my mother
(Ayam goreng akan di masak untuk ku oleh ibu ku)

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