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Talking, shouting, whispering, lying, swearing, telling jokes or

tales, in short: communication of all sorts by means of articulate

sound is something we are so familiar with that we hardly ever
come to think about it as something unique.
• Language as a cognitive system
which is part of any normal human
being’s mental or psychological
• Language is a system of arbitrary
vocal symbols used by human to
cooperate and interact.
The Aspects of Language(s)

Sound systems (phonology and phonetics).

 Word structures & formations (morphology).
Sentence structures (syntax).
Meaning systems (semantics).
ESP and Linguistic
• ESP involves three realms of knowledge:
1. Language
2. Pedagogy
3. Content (specialist)
• ESP practitioners must focus on descriptions of
1. Language
2. Syllabus design
3. Method of learning and teaching language

based on
need analyses

Language Issues in ESP

The set of rules that allow us to combine
words in our language into larger units.
Vocabulary should be a part of the syllabus,
and taught in a well-planned and regular basis.
Context related to the
Types of contexts

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