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Jurisdiction under supreme court

What is Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction is the authority given to a legal body like a court

to administer justice within a defined field of responsibility.
Different Jurisdiction under Supreme Court

★ Original jurisdiction
★ Writ jurisdiction
★ Advisory jurisdiction
★ Appellate jurisdiction
★ Revisory jurisdiction
★ Other powers
01 Original Jurisdiction
★ All the matter or disputes concerned with Indian Federalism
is resolved or decided by supreme court of india
★ The power of original jurisdiction is held by only supreme

having or relating to a system of government in which

several states form a unity but remain independent in
internal affairs.
India is quasi federal
Writ jurisdiction
★ Writ is a legal document issued by a court or
judicial officer
★ Writ can be issued by supreme court and high court to
enforce fundamental rights
★ There are 5 types of writ
03 Revisory Jurisdiction
★ The lower court are bounded by the judgement of the
supreme court
★ But the supreme court is not bound by its own judgement
★ It can review and change it’s own decision as time and
circumstance changes
Appellate jurisdiction
ARTICLE 132-134

★ Appellate jurisdiction is the power by which if
a person is not satisfied with the decisions of
lower court, they may appeal in a higher court
Advisory jurisdiction

★ The president can seek advice form the supreme court
whenever the feel necessary
06 Other powers
Supreme court as court of record

★ According to article 129:

The supreme court shall be a court of record and shall have all
the powers of such court including the power for punish for
contempt of itself.
★ Court of record
★ Contempt of court
Power of Judicial review

★ Judicial review is a process under which executive,

legislative and administrative actions are subject to review
by the judiciary

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