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Functions, Lists, Tuples,Dictionaries

and Sets in Python

Saqib Daud
Python Functions
•  A block of related statements designed to
perform a computational, logical, or evaluative
• The idea is to put some commonly or
repeatedly done tasks together and make a
function so that instead of writing the same
code again and again for different inputs, we
can do the function calls to reuse code
contained in it over and over again. 
Syntax (functions)
Function and its calling in Python
Python Function with arguments
Default Argument
Keyword Arguments (caller does not need to remember the order of parameters.

Length finding Through list
Code Example
Compound data types

• List

• Tuples

• Sets

• Strings

• Dictionaries

• Sequence of items in an order

• Not necessary to have the same type

Creating list
Length of list
Accessing list
Negative Indexing
Slicing of the list
Change items of the lists
• Pretty dynamic to add , modify and delete
items from the lists

• Changeable objects  Mutable

More items to change in one go
In key word

• To check whether the item is in the list or not

Iteration in list
Adding items in list
Removing items from the lists
Tuples(Ordered but Immutable)
• A set is an unordered collection of items. Every set element is
unique (no duplicates) and must be immutable (cannot be
changed). Don’t have indexes as well

• However, a set itself is mutable. We can add or remove items

from it.

• Sets can also be used to perform mathematical set operations

like union, intersection, symmetric difference, etc.
Creation of Sets
Sets with duplicate items
Empty Set
List to set Conversion
Adding Items in Set
Remove Items from sets
Checking some thing present in set
• Python dictionary is an unordered collection
of items. Each item of a dictionary has
a key/value pair.

• Dictionaries are optimized to retrieve values

when the key is known.
Creation of dictionary
Accessing items in dictionary

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