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Questions about the ocean

1.How much of the earth's surface is covered by the ocean?

a. 51% b.70% c. 81% d. 100%

2.The world's ocean is often divided into how many individual oceans?
a. 3 b. 5 c. 7 d.9

3.How deep is the deepest canyon in the ocean, the Mariana Trench?
a. One mile deep b. Three miles deep c. Five miles deep d. Seven miles deep

4.The ocean is full of life and hosts many known species?

a. 26,000 b. 116,000 c.226,000 d.566,000

5.According to scientists, what is one of the biggest threats to our oceans?

a. Plastic polluation b. Volcanic eruptions c. Sandcastles d. Sharks

6.The ocean is an amazing source of food. But what fish can kill you, even after it has been caught and cooked?
a. Shark b. Blowfish c. Swordfish d. Fish fingers

7.Is the ocean so big that it affects which of the following?

a. Weather b. Temperature c. Food supplies d. All of the above

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