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Pollution Global warming


Natural Resource
Overpopulation Depletion

Loss of Deforestation

Ocean Acidification
Raising citizens’ awareness of
environmental issues
Pressure group Wildlife conservation
Article reading
Mass fish deaths in Vietnam: locals bury tons along
 Reading comprehension:
 1. What did Quang Tri's Department of Natural
Resources and Environment advise people to do?
 2. Has the phenomenon existed only in Ha Tinh?
 3. Which province has seen a vast number of dead fish?
Article reading
Mass fish deaths in Vietnam: locals
bury tons along shoreline
 Discussion

 1. Do you name some marine animals that are declining in numbers?

 2. What are the causes of this issue?
 3. There are numerous species that are critically under threat because of
human activities. What do you think we can do to raise public’s
 4. Do you think animals have the rights? What rights should animals
Speaking Part 2
 Describe an environmental problem that has
been in the news. 
 You should say
 when this was
 where the event happened
 what actually took place
 And say how you felt about this problem.
Speaking Part 2
 Step 1: Introduce your talk
 Today I’d like to talk about an environmental issue that has hit the headlines is …
 One of the chief environmental issue that has hit the headlines is …
 Step 2:
 - When: be shown on VTV3 on Mondays when …
 - Where: hit X ( an area) which is located in …
 - What: break out , collapse, spread quickly to …
 evacuate,
 - How you felt:
 miserable, frightened, sympathetic about …

 Step 3: End your talk

 That’s all I want to say.
 All in all, that’s …
Types of question
 Opinion

 Evaluating two different opinions

 Agreeing and disagreeing
 Advantages and disadvantages
 Proposing solutions to problems
 Speculating about future events and outcomes
Extending your answers in Speaking Part 3

 Step 1: Give your opinion

 Personally, I think/ generally speaking, …

 Step 2: Give details

 - Reasons: because, be explained by …
 - Examples: For example/ instance
 - Hypothetical situations: If/ Without …, …
 - Mentioning opposites: On the other hand, …

 Step 3: Conclusion
 In short/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up/ …
 Sample questions:

 1. Do you think that young people should do more

sport in schools today?
 2. What do you think about there being a single
international language?
Evaluating two different opinions

 Sample Questions:
 1. Why do some people think that university life is
the best stage in life while others disagree?
 2. Why are there many people in society who
prefer to do sports in their free time, while there
are others who would rather go shopping?
Agreeing and disagreeing

 Sample questions:
 1. Do you agree that famous people should be used
to advertise products on television?
 2. Would you agree that people should have four-
day working weeks and three-day weekends?
Advantages and disadvantages

 Sample question:
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of
buying and using a motor car?
Proposing Solutions to Problems
 Sample questions:
 1. What are the main environmental problems facing the
world today? How could they be addressed?
 2. What are the drawbacks of travelling in your country
as a foreigner? How could tourist companies as well as
individuals go about surmounting these problems
Speculating about Future Events and
 Sample questions:
 1. Do you think that people in the future will have solved
many of the environmental and social problems that we are
still facing today?
 2. What future predictions would you make about how
technology in the future will develop and how it will affect
the daily lives of humans?
 Time: 4-5 minutes.
 Number of questions: 3-4
 Topic: related to Part 2
 More general, abstract
  give answers in greater depth
Extending your answers in Speaking Part 3
 Step 1: Give your opinion
 Personally, I think/ generally speaking, …

 Step 2: Give details

 - Reasons: because, be explained by …
 - Examples: for
 - Example/ instance
 - Hypothetical situations: If/ Without …, …
 - Mentioning opposites: On the other hand, …

 Step 3: Conclusion
 In short/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up/ …
 1. What do you think is the main danger the world faces in
terms of the environment?
 2. Do you think environmental issues will become more
serious in the future?
 3. Do you think enough has been done to deal with them?
 4. What can we do to alleviate the negative effects of
environmental issues?
1. What do you think is the main danger the
world faces in terms of the environment?
 Opinion
 Step 1: What ?
 Taking into account / Considering …, I think X is the chief …

 Step 2: Say about the harmful effects at present and potential

threats in the future
 - X is harmful to/ has negative impacts on X1 and X2
 Regarding X1, …  Give examples and evidence
 Turning to X2, …  Give examples and evidence

 - X is likely to …
2. Do you think environmental issues will become more
serious in the future?
 Opinion

 Step 1: Yes/ No
 Definitely >< I’m afraid I don’t think so

 Step 2: Why
 This is because/ can be explained by …
 Although governments have made a lot of efforts to .., they
still have to … if they don’t want to …
3. Do you think enough has been done to deal
with them?
 Opinion

 Step1: Yes/ No
 General speaking, insufficient efforts have been
made to solve …

 Step 2: Make comparisons

 While in some countries …, many developing
countries are not fully aware of …
4. What can we do to alleviate the negative
effects of environmental issues?
 Solution

 Step 1: There are several steps we can take …

 There should be coordinated actions between
individuals, corporations and the state.

 Step 2: say in details
 Individuals could …. By doing this, ...
 Companies must …
 Governments should spend/ invest more money …
 That’s a difficult question, let me think for a second.
 That’s a very interesting question, let me think.
 It’s very difficult to know exactly, but I think/but I
 It’s difficult to say, I think….
 I don’t really know for sure, but I would say….

!!! DO not overuse these !

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