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Change the world

 Lastweek Anna accepted too many responsibilities, that’s why

she is exhausted now.
 Let me write two articles about the climate change to assist you.
 Mary always invents curious ideas for our school blog.
 The research institute was established in the late 1960s.
What do Greenpeace and
WWF aim to do? How do
they do it?
Greenpeace’s goal is to ensure the ability of Earth to nurture life in all its diversity.
Greenpeace stands for positive change through action to defend the natural world and promote
peace. We investigate, expose and confront environmental abuse by governments and corporations
around the world. We champion environmentally responsible and socially just solutions, including
scientific and technological innovation.
Their goals:
 Protect biodiversity in all its forms
 Prevent pollution and abuse of our oceans, land, air and water
 End nuclear threats
 Promote peace and global disarmament.
(World Wide Fund for Nature) WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of
the earth's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in
harmony with nature, by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring
that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the
reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.Around the world, WWF
focuses its efforts towards achieving six major goals related to forests,
oceans, wildlife, food, climate & energy, and
freshwater, and three key drivers of environmental problems – markets,
Use phrases from exercise 3 and do the task with the
diagram. Work in pairs.
Shall we start with…?
We could start by talking about…
To my mind,…
In my opinion,…
Personally, I would say that …
For me, the chief consideration is…
I feel quite strongly that…
Not only that,…
Yes, and another thing…
Good point.
I’m with you on that.
Yes, I think you’re right.
I’m not sure I agree.
That’s true to some extent. However,…
Discuss in pairs. How effective are these five suggestions?

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