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What are the contribution Of the pshychologist about

the person?

Essentially, psychology helps people in large part

because it can explain why people act the way they
do. With this kind of professional insight, a
psychologist can help people improve their decision
making, stress management and behavior based on
understanding past behavior to better predict future
How can individual understand oneself
using the pshychological point of view?
• In my humble opinion, psychology itself cannot fix
the problems that one may have. We are trying too
hard to fix the mind and the body, and we forget the
actual essence, which is our soul, the consciousness
responsible for the mind and body to be created into
this reality. We detach ourselves from body and
mind in deep meditation, for example, and then we
reach the source. Our souls are being rejuvenated
and so the body and the mind. Once again, science
and spirituality are interconnected, and only when
we realize it we can collaborate them for our benefit.
how can you apply their ideas
in today's living?
• Psychology is very helpful in our
everyday life.Improving Communication
Skills- Psychology makes it easier to
understand how humans think and
behave while communicating with
others. With the help of psychology,
people can comprehend gestures and
actions which would make
communication even easier.
Thank You!!!🤗

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