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Flora and Fauna in Moldova

Flora of the Republic of Moldova

• Snowdrop, a typical plant According to the latest
data, the flora of the Republic of Moldova counts
almost 1540 species, which refer to 550 genres and
101 families. Among them, rare plants characteristic
of the Mediterranean are 17% of all species.
• There are two vegetation areas in the Republic of Moldova: the
steppe area and the silvostepa area :
• The area of ​the steppe occupies the plains and plateaus of the
region, located further south of the Codrilor Plateau, and south
and east of the Tigheci Mountains. In addition to these regions,
the steppe vegetation also meets in the North, in the Balti steppe.
• The silvicultural zone occupies the highest peaks, more frequently
in the Codrii Region, besides the steppe vegetation, the forest
vegetation also meets.
Fauna of the Republic of Moldova

• The fauna of the Republic of Moldova counts about

14,800 species of animals. In the forests of Moldova
can be distinguished some species of animals such
as: the deer, boar, fox, squirrel, wild cat. The
following rodent species are also found in the
steppe areas: field mice, hamster, rabbit, birds,
beetles, quail, sandwiches, and more rarely, animals
such as badger and fox.
• Lakes and ponds are populated mainly by geese,
wild ducks and swans. In the aquatic environment,
namely in the rivers and lakes of the country, the
following fish species meet: carp, pike, salmon,
salmon, etc.

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