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Clean Bar Areas

Clean Bar and Equipment

Clean and Maintain public

This module deals with the knowledge
and skills required in cleaning bar tools
and equipment. It includes identifying
appropriate cleaning materials and
detergents and procedures in cleaning.

Learning Outcome:
1. Keep Bar tools and equipment
shiny and dry at all times.

2. Store and classify bar tools

and equipment according to
establishment standard procedure.
Ice Bins/ Ice chest
- Equipment used for stocking ice. It is the centerpiece
of ant pouring station. It is usually has a speed rail
attached to the front, with or without bottle wheels.

Speed Rail
- Typically contains the poured liquors
(pouring or house brands)

Glass Chillers
- A top-opening refrigerator that
chills glasses.
- Equipment used for washing and usually with drain

Glass Brushes
- A mechanical brush to clean the inside
and rim of the glass.

Ice maker/ Ice machine

- A machine that make ice at the bar.

Wine Chiller
- A refrigerated storage for chilling
wines particularly white wine and

- used for chilling and keeping beers, juices,
garnishes, and other bottled drinks.
Ice crusher
- crushing ice cubes into crushed ice.

Waste Dump
- Used for keeping the trash

Mechanical glass washer

- A machine used for washing glasses and
delivers water not enough to kill bacteria.
Clean Bar and Equipment

The cleanliness of your bar—even your

customers’ perception of the cleanliness
of your bar—has a huge impact on your

Bar cleaning is obviously important.

And it’s best to solve any problem with it
before it starts.
Cleaning Bar Tools / Equipment

1. Glassware and Utensils

should be washed as soon as 2. The water in the wash
possible after use. Dirty sink should be 120 degree
glasses are breeding grounds Fahrenheit (49 Celsius) do
of microorganism. not let it cool below 110
degree Fahrenheit. It is also
important to use the right
3. The non-fat detergent you amount of detergent.
use for cleaning glasses is
suitable for all others.

4. Brushing the glasses

thoroughly is particularly
important with special
attention to the rim for
traces of lipstick as well as
the invisible residue of use.
5. The rinse water in your
middle sink should be 120
degree Fahrenheit. It should 6. The third sink is for
be changed often or the sanitizing. Sanitizing is the
faucet can run slowly and most important of the three
the overflow drain can take steps. It is the one that kills
away the cloudy water. bacteria and makes glasses
truly clean.
7. Water equipment should be
at least 75 degree Fahrenheit
but not over 120 degree
Fahrenheit to produce the
right chemical reaction, (follow
the package instruction)
Glasses should be submerged 8. All glasses should be
for 60 seconds. air dried by inverting
them into corrugated
drain board, a wire rack.
These surface should be
Handling Newly Washed Equipment and

1. Air-dry avoids recontamination by fingers and towels.

2. As part of the initial trainings all of the service personnel should be

coached in handling equipment and glassware's.

3. The finger should never touched the inside of the glass now the rim now
the outside of the glass below the rim as far as lips may touch it. This rules
holds whether the glasses are clean or dirty.

4. Likewise, the inside of mixing glasses and cups and plastic containers, the
bowls of spoon and the business end of many utensils should not be

5. In short, anything that touches food or drink should be untouched by

human hands including food and drink and ice.

Bar Opening Cleaning Checklist:

It’s important to clean before

opening. You don’t want to start your
day with a dirty bar and be left
scrambling when your guests start
coming in.
After clocking in, go through this list and check
off the following tasks:
• Clean shelves and refrigerators
• Stock shelves, fridges and wells.
• Put dishes away.
• Wipe down the bar top and stools with sanitizer.
• Set up service bars with straws, picks, bar mats and other items.
• Cut and display garnishes, including limes, lemons, cherries and
• Inspect and clean beer taps thoroughly
• Wipe down glasses, cups, mugs, etc.
• Wipe bar counter and chairs with an effective wood cleaner
• Check dates of open wine bottles and discard if they are five or
seven day
During the Shift

It is even more crucial to keep your bar looking

at its best throughout the day for every guest that
comes in. Remember, No one wants to drink at a
dirty bar. It only takes one bad impression to turn
away a guest who could’ve become a regular.
Here are our suggestions for things to look out for
throughout the day. You can either check on them during
your downtime or assign them to your staff as their shift

• Wipe down the bar after each patron

• Straighten chairs whenever possible
• Clean bar glasses, shakers, and other tools
• Refill coolers with bottled or canned beer
• Take out the trash once it is full
• Switch to clean linens for wiping regularly
Bar Closing Cleaning Checklist
It is just as important to clean your bar thoroughly before after
close for the night. Not only will this help keep your bar clean, but it
also lessens the work when you open the next morning.

• Dispose of empty bottles and restock the wells.

• Wipe down all bottles with a sanitized rag.
• Throw out fresh mixers at the end of the night.
• Clean and sanitize bar tops and stools.
• Clean, soak and sanitize soda dispenser nozzles.
• Clean floor drains.
• Throw napkins, rags, aprons and other laundry into a bin.
• Break down your service bars and run containers, shakers
and other items through the dishwasher.
• Wash all dirty dishes before leaving.
• Sweep and mop the floor.
Cleaning and Maintaining
Public Areas

Bartending position are not easy to get this days.

Here are a couple of rules to remember in regards to hygiene and safety
measures in a professional bar.

• Keep your bar clean by constantly glancing around and picking up

any trash such as napkins, straws, and garnishes as well as used

• Bar equipment should be washed thoroughly and shined like bar

spoons and cocktails strains each time they used- even between

• Wash your hands often in particular, after any contact with

raw citrus fruits. This prevent scaling of the hands and infection.

• Make sure you are well- groomed, in particular focus on your

hands especially your fingernails because they are used- receive
the most abuse on the job.
1.Always be sure to use soap when you wash your
hands as the oils from garnishes need the extra
scrub to remove them
2.Keep your nails short
3.Don't use bright nail polish colors if you paint your
nails, so the focus is on you and your drinks instead
of your bright fingernails
4.Leave a little room at the top of the drinks so the
customer can carry it
5.It causes wet puddles across the bar and will have
your bar smelling much worse by the end of the
6.You also want to avoid having customers spill on
themselves and others.

Step 1 Clean glass surfaces ( windows, mirrors) as well as brass and

chrome surfaces using the appropriate polish or cleaning

Step 2 Check the surfaces to ensure that no removable marks

remain and that the polish that was applied has not left a residue.

Step 3 Clean and polish the glass and frame of pictures.

Step 4 Dust and wipe all light fittings and shades

Make sure that all of the lights are in good working condition.
Ceiling lights and fittings are usually cleaned less frequently
Step 5 Pick up any rubbish lying around and place it in
rubbish bag

Step 6 Empty and clean any ashtrays ensuring that all

nicotine stains are removed

Step 7 Cleans chairs in the following manner:

-remove the cushions

- wipe the grooves and the back of the chair with dry
- vacuum the grooves to remove any remaining dirt
- fluff out the cushions and replace them
Step 8 Clean tiled and hard floor surfaces in the following
- put up the appropriate hazard signs
- sweep the area with a broom to remove any loose dirt
- wash the floor using the appropriate cleaning equipment and
- polish/ buff the floor until the correct shine is achieved using
the appropriate equipment for the surface
- Move the furniture where possible to sweep/ wash/ polish/
buff the floor area underneath it

Step 9 Replace the furniture in its original position when you

have finished
Step 10 Vacuum the carpets ( floor coverings)
Cleaning Public areas:
1.Sweep all entrances, steps, and exit areas.
2. Remove trash to designated areas.
3.Empty all wastebaskets and other trash receptacles.
4.Dust all -window sills, wall edges, chairs, desks, tables and file
5. Makes sure mirrors, furniture, floors, ashtrays, elevators and
doors are clean and mark-free.
6.Damp wipe floor spillages.
7.Thoroughly clean elevators, including floors, walls, and saddles.
8.Clean and disinfect drinking fountains.
9.Keeps the Back area of Front desk neat and clean.
10.Spot vacuum high-traffic areas.
11.Sweep and damp mop corridors and stairwells.
12.Periodically checks all lobby restrooms / wash rooms.
13..Restocks all supplies including toilet paper, soap and hand towels
in the lobby wash rooms.
14. Thoroughly vacuum all carpeting and clean floors.
Prepared by:

Galanto, Jenny Joy

Gallo, Abegail
Gollane, Raymond
Humansing, Kristine Joy
Lanu-an, Rhea Jane
Coyme, Dhanyle Mae

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