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Sexual and gender-based


• Violence is the use of physical force or

power against oneself or against others.
This act causes physical damage
psychologist at the same time using
physical aggression to harm someone.
There is no single criterion to classify the
types of violence, but several. The most
common tend to be based on two
factors: the way in which violence is
exercised and the subject or subjects
who exercise it. These two factors are
what structure the classification of types
of violence.
Gender violence is present everywhere Violence is one of the main causes of death
among the population. Every year, millions of people lose their lives violently and
many others are injured and suffer a wide variety of mental, physical and sexual
problems. The idea of ​what is or is not accepted behavior or violent behavior, as
well as the idea of ​what causes harm, varies according to different cultures and
remains under constant review. It must therefore be remembered that there are
many different definitions of violence depending on who does it and in the context
in which it is done. Referring to official data, the WHO currently defines violence
as: "The intentional use of physical force, threats against oneself, another person,
a group or a community that results in or is very likely to result in trauma ,
psychological damage, developmental problems or death. "o

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