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: Approaches to History 
Sub topic : Marxist Approach 
What do you mean by historical approach? 
The historical approach to policy analysis, it is the telling of a story based on
credible sources. It is often qualitative, almost journalistic, in nature. This looks for
generalities in history, seeking to uncover “laws” of history to explain what
What is the purpose of historical approach? 
Historical research involves studying, understanding and interpreting past events.
The purpose of historical research is to reach insights or conclusions about past
persons or occurrences.

What are the characteristics of historical approach? 

.   Historical research involves the careful study and analysis of data about past
. It is a critical investigation of events, their development,
experiences of past. 
. The purpose is to gain a clearer understanding of the
impact of past on present and future events related to life
Meaning of Marxism
Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that uses a materialist
interpretation of historical development, better known as historical materialism, to
understand class relations and social conflict as well as a dialectical perspective to
view social transformation. It originates from the works of 19th-century German
philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. As Marxism has developed over
time into various branches and schools of thought, there is currently no single
definitive Marxist theory\


The definition of Marxism is the theory of Karl Marx which says that society's
classes are the cause of struggle and that society should have no classes. An
example of Marxism is replacing private ownership with co-operative ownership
3. Intro to Karl Marx:

Karl Heinrich Marx (German; 5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883)was a German

philosopher, critic of political economy, historian, sociologist, political theorist,
journalist and socialist revolutionary. Born in Trier, Germany, Marx studied law and
philosophy at the universities of Bonn and Berlin. 
Notable ideas: Marxism, Class conflict, Surplus value, Historical Materialism, etc.

Theory of Marxism:
Theory of Marxism posits the struggle between social classes. Specially conflicts
between bourgeoisie and proliterates and their economic relations in capitalist
economy and will lead to inevitably leads to revolutionary communism. 

What is capitalism?
An economic and political system in which country's trade and industry are
controlled by private owners for their own profit rather than by a state. Labors are
also owned by capitalists.
Disadvantages of capitalism:
•It creates massive inequality between bourgeoisie and proliterate.
•It is anti-democratic and leads to erosion of human rights.
•Rich people will get more richer.
•poor people will get more poor.

What is socialism?
An economic and political system under which the means of production are
publically owned. People of socialist society depends upon government for
Disadvantages of socialism:
•It leads to slow economic growth.
•It leads to low competition in market.
Addition of science into socialism:
Karl Marx added science into socialism in his book "The Communist
Manifesto" then it became communism.
What is communism?

Communism is a democratic system in which every class has equality. 

No-one is unequal. It is the society where everyone is rewarded on the basis
of their abilities.
Advantages of Communism:

•High and progressive income tax.

•Free education
•The abolition of child labor.
•The centralization means of transport.
•Educational and financial institutions.

Karl Marx further said that everybody should have rights to get profits.
Society shouldn't have class system. If we imply communism in our society
it will lead to more progress of country.
Marxism Historiography

. Marx argued, “ultimate cause which determines the whole cause of

human history is the economic development of society.
• Also known as “Materialistic Conception of History”
• Engles and Marx, called it scientific method

Historical Materialism
Production: Necessary to all human being’s survival.
• All types of social relations determined by economic conditions.
• Perfect society secure all
• Perfection comes long process of conflict between antagonistic element
• Dominant class and sub ordinate class
• Since, material production key to man’s social life ,change in this process
constitute historical development
• At every stage of history “owners of MOF” and those left with labor
Historical Materialism
(process of historical development)
Marxism can serve as a mode of analysis examining the relationship between
ownership, power and social change and thus illuminate a wider variety of
social transformation than whatever is currently dominant .

1. Marxists Histriology explains how from a simple homogenous we converted

into heterogeneous society on basis of production of goods.

2. Marxists theory of communism we applied to soviet union which was one

of super powers in 19th century so this theory got fame.

3. providing an economic interpretation of history and stages of growth.

4. suggesting an alternative path of economic development via planning.

7. Elements of Marxist Approach
Communist manifesto, originally was the manifesto of communist party of
Prussia(Germany) now what is Germany. it was an pamphlet of 1848 by 2
Prussian philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel
Outlined and critical critique of capitalism
 Criticism of capitalism can come from various political and philosophical
approaches including anarchist, socialist, religious and nationalist viewpoints
the critiques of capitalism are accusations that capitalism is inherently.
exploitative, alienating, unstable, unsustainable and also creates massive
economic inequality. commodities people and anti democratic and leads to
an erosion of Human Rights
Karl Marx’s theory of socialism 
He believed that the condition of workers would never improve, as long as profit
is taken by the capitalists .Marx believed that to free themselves from the
capitalists exploitation,
Workers had to perform a socialist society where all property was socially
Marxism and International relations

The world, according to Marxism is dominated by the capitalist class, who

control not only the means of production, but the instruments of governance in
there respective societies. These instruments include most prominently the state
and all ads agencies (example: the military, the police, the courts) but also the
media, educational, institutions, dominant religious organizations, etc. To
understand IR, in short one must recognize the much of what happens in the
world, domestically, internationally and globally, is an expression of the interest
and power of the dominant classes. There is no such things as the national
interest; there is only class interest.
Pros and Cons of Marxism
Pros Cons
The core motives and beliefs of Marxism As we discussed positive sides there are also
may actually have some positive side of some negative sides of Marxism
them  one of the downside of Marxism is its attempt to abrogate
 Karl Marx valued equality and human right greatly. religion . Because the key feature of Marxism is to have
He believes that everyone should have equal access to everyone equal and religion would meddle in that aspect as it
factors required for human, no matter what he or she automatically puts some people in superiority and inferiority
works with and no matter where he or she is from of others with in the religion. Marxism doesn’t accept people
believing in unscientific matters, so people are robbed of the
right to believe in what they want to believe in .
 Marxism could be the way to fix some of the issues
of Capitalism. Even though capitalism is generally  Karl Marx’s political system would induce negative effect
positive and encourages competition and quality, it on education because Marxism implies that all schools
also creates a huge problem, monopolization. should be state controlled. This is extremely negative as the
state brainwash its young citizens and prevent children
hearing anything negative about their country , in its turn
 Marx believes that companies should be state creating surplus of nationalism and unawareness of what’s
controlled , which could help to eliminate going on outside one’s country.
 Marxism believes that practical, scientific, and economic
skills are more valuable than artistic skills means that the
children who are artistic would be unvalued.

• Marxist theory talks about the capitalism: as to how the bourgeoisie

rule over the proletariat. They exploit the working class for their self
It tells that proletariat have to take some steps (unite and revolt) in
order to overthrow the rule of dominating class.
But in actual practice socialism cannot be accomplished only through
class conflict and a proletarian revolution according to some social

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