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CDI 315

CDI 513

Importance of
Reports, Purpose
of Quality Reports
Group 2 Reporters:
1. Regelyn D. Badhay 3.Luigi D. Alosado
2. Richelle M. Mopada 4.Arnel C. Aguelles
Importance of Well-Written
Definition Making Good Report

Reporter: Ms. Regelyn D. Badhay

What is a Well-written report?

What is a Well-
written report?
Well- in a good or satisfactory way.
Written- is made or done in writing.
Report- is written for a clear purpose and
to a particular audience. Specific
information and evidence are presented,
analyzed and applied to a particular
problem or issue.
General Meaning: a satisfactory
writing of clear information and evidences.
What makes a
good report?
An effective report presents and
analyses facts and evidence that are
relevant to the specific problem or
issue of the report brief. The style of
writing in a report is usually less
discursive than in an essay, with a
more direct and economic use of
A well written report will demonstrate
your ability to:

 Understand the purpose of the report brief and

adhere to its specifications;
 gather, evaluate and analyze relevant information;
 structure material in a logical and coherent order;
 make appropriate conclusions that are supported
by the evidence and analysis of the report and
make thoughtful and practical recommendations
where required.
Of Well-Written
No t e!

Above all, well written reports are accurate and

informative. Whereby the information provided
reflects the purpose of the report in a valuable
manner. Therefore, a well executed report
avoids misinformation and is important in
enhancing the power of the argument presented
by the report. Furthermore, the information
within reports is integral to making decisions
and therefore must be objective in its
Well-Written Report

Reporter: Ms. Richelle Mopada

Well-Written Report Guidelines
The written report should have the following
(1). Title page
(2). Abstract
(3). Introduction
(4). Materials and Methods
(5). Results
(6). Discussion
(7). Conclusions
(8). References
1. Title page:
e T I T L E PA G E id e n tifi e s :
u ll n a m e o f th e p ro je c t.
 The f
 The course (CDI 315)
e p rin c ip al a uth o r (w r ite
 The name of th s e d ).
l au th o r w a s n o t u
NONE if a principa
h e r g r o u p m e m b e r s .
 The names of the ot
 The group number.
2. Abstract:
The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report
itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief summary of the
report contents that is often separately circulated so
potential readers can decide whether to read the
report. The abstract should very concisely summarize
the whole report: why it was written, what was
discovered or developed, and what is claimed to be
the significance of the effort. The abstract does not
include figures or tables, and only the most significant
numerical values or results should be given.
3. Introduction:

The INTRODUCTION should provide

a clear statement of the problem posed by
the project, and why the problem is of
interest. It should reflect the scenario, if
available. If needed, the introduction also
needs to present background information
so that the reader can understand the
significance of the problem.
4. Materials and Methods:

The purpose of the MATERIALS AND

METHODS section is to describe the materials,
apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the
measurements. Most importantly, the section
needs to provide a clear presentation of how key
measurements were obtained and how the
measurements were analyzed. This is where the
particular approach followed to reach the
project's objectives should be described.
5. Results:
The RESULTS section is dedicated to presenting the
actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), not
to discussing their meaning or interpretation. The results
should be summarized using appropriate Tables and
Figures (graphs or schematics). Every Figure and Table
should have a legend that describes concisely what is
contained or shown. Figure legends go below the figure,
table legends above the table. Throughout the report, but
especially in this section, pay attention to reporting
numbers with an appropriate number of significant figures.
6. Discussion:
The DISCUSSION interprets the
results in light of the project's
objectives. The most important goal of
the DISCUSSION section is to interpret
the results so that the reader is
informed of the insight or answers that
the results provide.
7. Conclusions: TO
The CONCLUSIONS LEAD should summarize the
central points made in the Discussion section,
reinforcing for YOURSELF
the reader the value and
implications of the work. The conclusions
should never contain "surprises". Therefore, any
conclusions should be based on observations and
data already discussed. It is considered extremely
bad form to introduce new data in the
8. References
The REFERENCES section should contain
complete citations following standard form. The
form of the citation depends on the type of
source being referenced, and is different for
whole books, chapters in books, and articles
published in a journal. The references should be
numbered and listed in the order they were cited
in the body of the report.
Purpose of Quality
Purpose of Quality Reports
(Definition, Tips, Purpose of Quality Report

Reporter: Mr. Luigi Alosado

  What is a Quality Report?
 A quality report is defined as a report
conveying information about the quality of a
statistical product or process (Eurostat,
2010b). A project document that includes
quality management issues,
recommendations for corrective actions, and a
summary of findings from quality control
activities and may include recommendations
for process, project, and product
 Quality Report is a central function to all
construction and industrial projects. While
many professional services and product
companies in the world have version of quality
control in the form of management and checks
and balances, the industries (amongst other
industries including manufacturing, aerospace
etc.) really do stand alone when it comes to
 A large part of maintaining quality control and
building quality into your every day processes
is the quality report.
Tips on WritingOR
INFLUENCE a Quality Report

 Tip 1. Write Text That’s Easy for Your Audience To

 Tip 2. Be Concise and Well-Organized
 Tip 3. Make It Easy to Skim
 Tip 4. Use Devices That Engage Your Readers
 Tip 5. Make the Report Culturally Appropriate
 Tip 6. Be Cautious About Using Readability Formulas
 Tip 7. Test the Report With Your Audience
 Tip 8. Guidelines and Other Resources To Fine-tune Your
Irwin Federman once said, “Your job gives you authority. Your behavior earns you respect”.
If you influence others and provide direction and guidance, then you lead them. Many of
us only assume that leaders are those individuals born with unique abilities, or gifts or
The purpose of these reports are:
situation that are right. That’s not always the case, though the fact is that everyone is
prospective leader. That makes a person a good leader is not just his skills but primarily
 to make your quality management process and quality
his character and attitude.
control procedures concrete.
Leader must influence and should be influenced. Everyone can influence somebody
either for the good or for bad. Even the shyest person can influence at least 10,000
 to make sure you are measuring - both quantitatively
people in his or her lifetime. While it is up to everyone to determine how to use their
and qualitatively.
leverage, this be called a leader should have followers for him. He has to direct his
people to something which will bring goodness, not harm. Just as a good leader should.
 the outputs of these processes so as to ensure that
It only takes skill, knowledge, and compassion for individual to harness influence.
your project is maintaining the quality standards set out
Furthermore, if a person refuses to use this power at all and does not take a personal
stance on issues, he or she can easily be convinced and the person would most likely
in office quality assurance and quality control
end up being influenced as the one. When it comes to this, it seems that there are only
two alternatives – to be the influencer or the one affected.
guidelines, as well as the specifications set out by the
“Leadership is practices not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.” – Harold S.
client and/or contractor
Geneen .
Importance of
Quality Report

Reporter: Mr. Arnel Celino

Why quality reports are important?

Quality reports are important to the functioning

and overall success of your projects; naturally, the
format of your quality reports is important too. Your
quality reports will be touching the hands and
attracting the eyes of a number of important
stakeholders, who are associating your quality reports
(and their formatting) with the quality of your work
and the likely outcome of their asset or project.
Importance of Quality
Report in Police
 The use of timely and accurate localized data
to drive law enforcement operations toward
more efficient and effective resource
deployment is the benchmark for 21st-century
policing. For today’s law enforcement and
public safety chief executives, high-quality,
detailed data is paramount for effective
decision making. In addition to open source
data, law enforcement agencies have records
management systems (RMS), incident-based
reporting systems, and information sharing
tools that provide data on crime incidents,
suspects, victims, and arrests.
 Together, these resources can be
assessed to identify local and
regional trends, to effectively
deploy resources, and to support
data-driven policing initiatives. In
today’s environment when
agencies are confronting
budgetary and staffing
challenges, it is especially
important that law enforcement
executives continually leverage
data to improve and expand
decision making and to maximize
available resources.

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