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Articles and Idioms


 An article is a word that is used to point out that a noun is a noun without
elaborating it.
 So lets have an example that Chris bought a cell phone. So, the article shows
that the word cell phone is a noun.
 Article can also revise anything that act as a noun.
Types of Articles

 Definite Article
The definite article is the word “The”. A definite article is used in
unique things or groups. A definite article shows something is unique.
For Example The White House, The President House, The Moon
 Indefinite Article
There are two indefinite articles “A and An”. Indefinite article “A” used
before likes or liking sounds. Indefinite article “A” is used in vowels or
vowel sounds.
For Example
I am searching for a job
Hasnain give me an apple

 An idiom is used in saying or expressions that has a descriptive meaning

 Different from the phrase meaning
 For example Miss the boat: To miss the chance, Beat around the bush: To
avoid the point/topic.
Types of Idioms

 Pure Idioms
Pure idioms are idioms whose original meaning is lost to the extent that there is no
possible way to analyze the phrase logically to come to an understanding of its
Examples of pure idioms are:
It’s raining cats and dogs (it is raining heavily)
Wrap my head around (to understand something).
 Binomial Idioms
Binomial idioms are idioms that involve two parts that work together or in contrast to
construct an expression.
Examples are
black and white (there are clear differences).
more or less (something is close enough to correct).
Types of Idioms

 Partial Idioms
A partial idiom contains a literal part and a non-literal part. Partial idioms are
often also metaphors because the half of the idiom that is literal part (the eyes)
derive additional descriptive meaning via comparison to the non-literal part(the
Examples are
Red hair
Change is as good as a holiday.
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