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Country Level of Education Descriptions of each Level Special Features

- Most Australian students

1. Austria a. Primary school a. Primary school - Runs for seven
or eight years, starting at decide what to do after high
b. Secondary school Kindergarten/Preparatory through school.
to Year 6 or 7.
c. Senior secondary b. Secondary school - Runs for
- Students who intend to go to
college continue year 11 and
school three or four years, from Years 7
to 10 or 8 to 10. year 12 to prepare for college
d. Tertiary Education c. Senior secondary school - Runs or university entrance
for two years, Years 11 and 12. examinations.
d. Tertiary education includes - Other students may get a job
both higher education (including after year 10 or go to a
universities) and vocational Technical and Further
education and training (VET). Education (TAFE) College to
learn technical skills.
-Vocational education and
training (VET) qualifications focus
on specific occupational skills and
. VET course will broaden your
skills in a specialized area that
provides the practical experience
you'll need to design, plan and
implement your field's practical
and technical aspects in an
industry context. 
Country Level of Education Descriptions of each Level Special Features

2. China a.Primary School a. Primary school- children . It is the largest educational

ages 6 to 11, covers the first six system in the world (Wang,
b.Junior Middle School years of their compulsory 1996; Nanjundiah, 1996). With
c. Senior middle school education. over 200 million students
d. Higher Education b. Junior middle school- attending public schools taught
students will complete grades by over 9 million teachers in
School 7, 8, and 9, as well as their elementary, junior, and senior
  compulsory education high schools.
requirement. -The course syllabi are written
c. Senior middle school, the by scientists and professors
equivalent of high school in the hired by the National
United States, and finish Educational Commission.
grades 10, 11, and 12. -The Chinese government made a
d. Higher education (usually law for a free nine-year
compulsory education (six years of
known as a college education) primary education and three years
usually starts when pupils are of secondary education) on July 1,
over 18, and it’s composed of a 1986, which established the
tertiary vocational school (two requirements for attaining a
or three years), a technological universal education and
academy (three years), and an guaranteed school-age children the
undergraduate school (four right to receive at least nine years
years), but only undergraduate of education. It’s considered to be
a crime for parents to deprive their
school students will get their children of this right in cities in
Country Level of Education Descriptions of each Level Special Features

a. Elementary education (6
3. Japan a. Elementary years of elementary school)
-Education in Japan is managed by
Education b. Secondary education (3 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sp
years of lower secondary orts, Science and Technology
b. Secondary school and 3 years of upper  (MEXT) of Japan. Japanese
Education secondary school). students consistently rank highly
c. Higher Education c. There are 5 types of higher among OECD students in terms of
education institutions that quality and performance in 
international students can be reading literacy, mathematics, and 
admitted to, which are 1) sciences.
Colleges of technology, 2) -Japan’s populace is well educated
Professional training colleges and its society highly values
(post-secondary course of education as a platform for
specialized training colleges), socioeconomic mobility and for
3) Junior colleges, 4) gaining employment in the
Universities (undergraduate) country's high-tech economy.
and 5) Graduate schools. -The country's large pool of highly
Depending on the founding educated and skilled individuals is
bodies, these higher education largely responsible for ushering in
institutions are categorized Japan's post-war economic growth.
into three types: national, local Tertiary-educated adults in Japan,
public, and private. particularly graduates in sciences
  and engineering, benefit
Country Level of Education Descriptions of each Level Special Features

a. Primary education in South -The eight learning areas that

4. South Africa The education system in South Africa lasts for seven years (R-6 form the basis of all basic
Africa has been divided into grades) and is divided into basic
three levels:  and intermediate stages, with a education up to the Further
a. primary education primary focus on basic education. Education Training(FET)
b. secondary education Certificate are: * Language,
b. Secondary education lasts for Literacy, and Communication *
-Junior High School six years and is divided into two
-High School stages: junior high school and high Mathematical Literacy,
school. mathematics and Mathematical
c. higher education Science * Natural Science *
- Junior high school (7-9 grades) is Technology * Human and Social
also called the advanced stage and
is mandatory. Science * Economics and
Management Science * Arts and
- High school (10-12 grades) has Culture * Life Orientation
been known as further education
and training (FET), which is not - One school year consists of
mandatory. forty-one weeks (196 school
e. There are two types of higher days) which is divided into four
education in South Africa: terms. Other relevant sectors of
vocational and technical education the educational structure
and university education. include special education,
University education focuses on private education or
academic research, and public
universities dominate independent schools, adult and
Country Level of Education Descriptions of each Level Special Features

5. England 4 Hierarchy of Education in a. Early years foundation stage (3-5 - The national curriculum’s core
subjects include English,
England stages)- This is the most basic and starting
stage of education in England. At this stage, Mathematics, and Science.
a. Early Years Foundation Each key level has a definite
the focus is more on basic subjects and
Stage emphasis that gradually
concepts like shapes, numbers, colors, birds,
b. Primary Education animals, basic math, and others becomes more advanced as the
c. Secondary Education b. Primary Education (age 5-11) At this level progresses
d. Higher Education stage, children are exposed to new concepts, - England allows children to
more subjects, and complex activities, and specialize in their academic
this helps them enhance their own skills and learning fields earlier on than
other countries. This allows
c. Secondary Education
This is the stage of education in England stronger educational
which starts from the age of 11 and goes on engagement and more time for
to the age of 18. This is the most advanced children to spend in their most
education stage in school and is one where respected subjects. School
students need to choose specialization children are provided with
subjects, participate in many complex
activities, learn higher-level subjects and also school planners, which hold
develop their personalities. learning resources, school
d. Higher Education- Bachelor’s degree- management, and timetables
this is the stage of the graduate program
where students obtain bachelor’s degrees by
attending 3-5 years of education. This is the
Country Level of Education Descriptions of each Level Special Features

6. United State a. Preschool a. Preschool- Preschool or pre-kindergarten

level education does not fall within the
-Classes begin in September and
end in June of every year. The
of America b. Primary School compulsory education bracket, but it is a language of instruction is English.
c. Middle School common trend these days that children
between the age of 3 and 5 are sent to
- Curricula in the United States can
vary widely from district to
d. High School preschools to gain basic knowledge such as district. Different schools offer
e. Tertiary Education counting, color identification, knowing
shapes, mingling with others etc.
classes centering on different
topics, and vary in quality
b. Primary school education is the - Some private schools even
compulsory part of elementary education include religious classes as
and starts from the age of 5 in America.  It mandatory for attendance. This
starts from kindergarten and goes on until raises the question of government
the age of 11.  It mostly includes 1st grade, funding vouchers in states with
2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade anti-Catholic Blaine Amendments
in most of the primary schools. in their constitution. This in turn
c. Middle School- The next level in has produced camps of argument
compulsory education is middle school.  over the standardization of
Middle school in America starts from curricula and to what degree it
6th grade and goes on until 8th grade. Often, should exist. These same groups
middle school is also referred to as junior often are advocates of standardized
high school and lasts from the age of 11 to testing, which is mandated by the 
14. No Child Left Behind Act.
d. High school in America begins when in - Some curricula of the United
the 9th grade which is also known as Stated focused on: Content
freshman year and goes on until 12th grade Knowledge, literacy, Emphasis
which is known as senior year.  By the time on English-Language
high school education is complete, most education, sex education,
students have turned 18.  This phase in textbook review and adoption,
school is often referred to as senior high Culturally-responsive
school. curriculum, gender-sensitive
e. Tertiary education is not a compulsion curriculum, LGBTQ-inclusive
but a matter of choice for students in curriculum, and ability-
America. Higher education usually starts inclusive curriculum.
with undergraduate school and then goes on
to doctorate-level education. The following
are some of the subdivisions within this
Bachelor’s degree-
Freshman year
Sophomore year
Junior year
Senior year
Master’s degree
Doctorate education
Besides this, students can also take up
diploma courses, vocational courses, and
other types of adult education ranging from
Based on your matrix of the various educational systems of other countries, how would you
compare our Philippine Educational System? Is our educational system globally

It is undeniable that the educational system in every country is globally competitive.

Implementing the K-12 program which adds 2 more years in high school which we called Junior
and Senior High school provides sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop
lifelong learners, and prepares graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,
employment, and entrepreneurship, I can say that educational system here in the Philippines is
globally competitive.
We have some schools such as San Rafael National High School and others that focus
on one of the academic strands which is STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics). There are also many students who come to other countries to collaborate and
participate in academics such as science, mathematics, art, and others that recognize the
Philippines in the world.
If given an opportunity to experience teaching in another country listed above,
where would you like to teach? Why?

You can teach in a variety of places if opportunities come. Of course, I would love to
experience teaching in Japan. Japan is one of the most successful countries in Asia and there are
very advanced when it comes to technology. There is a lot to learn from the new technology in
The educational system is fully supported by the Government that’s why their students
consistently rank highly among students in other countries in terms of quality and performance in 
reading literacy, mathematics, and sciences. Language and culture can be learned but it's also
better to engage in a new way of teaching even if there are barriers to becoming an effective

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