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Mohamed Rayan Boukhedar
1rBATX 03

■ Keep your abs tight ■

■ Elbows under your shoulders, looking v=beSvHVN8pyc
■ Straight line from your heels to your head
■ Keep your elbows at a 90º angle

■ Place your hands aligned at shoulder ■

height, just below. v=0pkjOk0EiAk
■ Spread your fingers apart so that you
can better support your own weight.
■ When you do the pushup, rotate your
hands outward so that your shoulder
also feels the rotation.
3. ABS

■ Lie on your back with your knees ■

bent. v=CwhxepX7aR8
■ Put your hands on your head.
■ Bring your torso closer to your knees
without lifting your back off the

■ Support your forearms on the floor, keeping ■

your legs straight and slightly apart. v=61A2oTh10V8
■ Raise the body leaving only the forearms
and metatarsals supported, forming a
straight line, horizontal and parallel to the
ground, from the feet to the head.
■ We keep our back straight and notice how
the muscles of the entire CORE are
activated, in addition to the buttocks, delts,
arms and leg muscles.
■ We avoid abdominal breathing. It is better
to take a diaphragmatic breath.

■ First of all place the mat on the floor and ■

laterally on it. Rest one hand on the mat and v=bRivOELQVOs
the other hooked to the body, then lift
yourself up until you have one arm and your
feet on the ground.
■ The arm that you have placed on the mat
must be flexed and the feet must be together.
On the other hand, keep your legs straight,
trying to keep the weight from falling down.
■ In this position, the movement begins. As it
is an isometric exercise, the effort is made by
maintaining the position. Try to hold on as
long as possible in this position.

■ First, get into the starting position. To do this, ■

lie on your back and bend your knees in such a v=OgkBQJCXzhI
way that the soles of your feet collide with
each other.
■ Next, for those who are beginners, we must
stretch the arms extended forward next to our
body. If you already have a little experience,
you can put your arms back.
■ Rest your head on the ground and gather
momentum to lift your torso and do a push-up,
which will be completed when the hands touch
the feet.
■ Return to the starting position and repeat.

■ First of all, we will have to lie down on the ground. We will

fully extend our legs and arms.
■ We will place the arms next to the trunk, with the palms v=gAyTBB4lm3I
resting on the ground.
■ The arms should not be moved at any time during the
■ We will move the legs, in such a way that the thighs are
perpendicular to the ground.
■ The feet should be together, and parallel to the ground. This
should be the starting position of the reverse crunch.
■ Later, we will proceed to inhale. Meanwhile, we will proceed
to move the legs towards the trunk, while rolling with the
pelvis back. exercise-for-abdomen
■ We will take care of lifting our hips off the ground, reaching
our knees to touch our chest.
■ At this point, we will have to keep the abdomen contracted for
a second, and we will return to the starting position.

■ Rest your hands on the floor at ■

shoulder height, keeping your arms v=zT-9L3CEcmk
■ Bring one knee toward your chest,
keeping the other knee extended.
■ With a quick movement, alternate the
position of the legs, extending and
flexing one at a time.
■ Remember to keep your back straight
throughout the exercise.

■ The starting position is standing, with the hands arranged in a jug, on the waist,
and the legs slightly apart. ■
■ Take a breath and take a step forward. Make sure your torso is straight and
perpendicular to the ground when you carry out the movement. The thing to
avoid as far as possible is swinging.
■ The step you take forward should not be short but not excessively wide (do not
bend your leg more than 90º at the knee).
■ The walking foot must be flat on the ground.
■ As for the leg that stays behind, you should be bending it until the knee almost
touches the ground.
■ At the same time, the foot that is left behind will bend until it ends up resting
on the tip (not on tiptoe).
■ Once you have completed this movement, expire and return to the starting
■ Try to change sides each time so that you do not exercise one leg more than
the other.
■ It is very possible that at first it will take you a little more to maintain your
balance. The key to avoiding swaying is to focus your strength in your
abdomen. However, there are several mistakes that you should be aware of in
order to get the perfect lunge.

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