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Growth Mindset
Mr. Anand Dwivedi


Complete the growth mindset assessment on Blackboard

Topic Objectives

• What is Growth Mindset?

• Growth Vs. Fixed Mindset

• The importance of growth mindset for success

• Growth Mindset and the power of grit

• Assessing impact of culture environment and family values on the development of mindset
• Psychology of success: shift from fixed to growth mindset

• Strategies for Developing a Growth Mindset

• Mindset Assessment Activities to Know Your Mindset

• Kahoot Activity

You have recently completed your schooling. Think of any challenging situation in your
school life (like time management or learning a new language or working in groups, etc.)
and failed in your attempt.

Question 1: What was your first reaction?

Question 2: Were you able to identify the causes of your failure?

Question 3: What happened ultimately? Did you give up or ultimately accomplished

what you wanted to achieve.

Time allocated: 5 minutes

Meaning of the term Mindset

Mindset is the core belief pattern of an individual.

It is the mental attitude that determines how you will interpret

and respond to situations.

It is a person's way of thinking.

How Do You Think of Intelligence?

According to Stanford University psychologist Prof. Carol Dweck,

people generally think with either fixed mindset or growth

People with a fixed mindset believe that their intelligence is fixed

at birth and that they can’t do much to change it.

People with a growth mindset believe that their talents, abilities,

and intelligence can be developed in different ways.
Growth Mindset

It is a belief that a person’s most basic abilities can be developed

through dedication and hard work — brains and talent are just the
starting point.

This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is

essential for great accomplishments (Dweck, 2006).
Difference Between Growth & Fixed Mindset

Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard

work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset.

Such people tend to achieve more than those with a more fixed mindset
This is because they worry less about looking smart and put more energy
into learning. 
Developing a Growth Mindset with Dr. Carol Dweck
Dealing with failure!!

How to recognize failure and move forward is what you need to learn. Your

1. You can forgive and forget, but then you don't learn;

2. You can blame people who get angry, but that creates fear or

3. The best organizations / individuals FORGIVE and REMEMBER so that you

can learn, and you can try something else and learn something new.
Meaning of the term Mindset

Therefore….. the real question to ask is: What happens when

people fail?

Give up or continue to make incremental steps?

What do you think? Please share what you feel in the chat.
Why do they call it WD-40?

The name WD-40 was created because there were 39 failed

versions of the product.
Activity: Dealing with failure!!

Think of any instance in which you tried to achieve something (like losing weight,
scoring a high grade, etc.) but failed in your attempt.

Question 1: What was your first reaction?

Question 2: Were you able to identify the causes of your failure?

Question 3: What happened ultimately? Did you give up or you

tried repeatedly and ultimately accomplished what
you wanted to achieve.
Assessing impact of culture environment and family
values on the development of mindset

Main Criteria

• An atmosphere of trust
• Positive & supportive environment
• Parents nurture societal values
• Parents nurture family values
• Respect for elders and love for youngsters
• Parental support in achievement of aspirations
• Failure is accepted
• Resilience is rewarded
• Collaborative problem solving
• Involvement in Decision making
Psychology of success: shift from fixed to growth mindset

 A lot of people are somewhere in between and have a mixed mindset.

 This means your mindset is part fixed, part growth depending on the situation, circumstances and how you

feel about events going on in your life.

 What we now know is the brain is far more adaptable than we realized. 

 In demanding situations, even though you feel positive your nerves get the better of you if you do not have

growth mindset

 An individual with growth mindset pushes past barriers and enters unchartered territory of infinite


 If you have a growth mindset, you will look at demanding situations differently.  
Strategies to Develop a Growth Mindset

Appreciating the power of Yet

Growth Mindset emphasizes on the power of ‘Yet’. If the students didn’t pass a course,
they got the grade “Not Yet” and not Fail grade. Fail grade makes a person feel
worthless. But if you get the grade “Not Yet” you understand that you’re on a learning
curve. It gives you a path into the future and keeps the possibilities open!!
Strategies to Develop a Growth Mindset

1. Acknowledge and embrace imperfections.

2. View challenges as opportunities.
3. Try different learning tactics
4. Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning.”
5. Value the process over the end result.
Strategies to Develop a Growth Mindset

6. Believe in yourself.
7. Emphasize growth over speed.
8. Provide regular opportunities for reflection.
9. Place effort before talent.
10. Learn from other people’s mistakes.
ACTIVITY: Assess Your Mindset
ACTIVITY: Assess Your Mindset
ACTIVITY: Assess Your Grit

Grit is the passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Its about STAMINA and
sticking with your future plans day in and day out. Grit is like living a life as a Marathon and
not as a sprint.

In this activity your Grit is calculated as the average score for items on:

1. Consistency of Interest
2. Perseverance of Effort and
3. Ambition
Some Pitfalls

False growth mindset.

People often confuse a growth mindset with being flexible or open-minded or
with having a positive outlook — qualities they believe they’ve simply always
had. This is called a false growth mindset.

No such thing as a “pure” growth mindset

There is no such thing as a “pure” growth mindset: Everyone is actually a

mixture of fixed and growth mindsets, and that mixture continually evolves with
experience. A “pure” growth mindset doesn’t exist.
To sum up!!
Post -Test


Complete the growth mindset assessment from the below weblink and note down
the result that you receive at the end of the activity in your notebook:

To sum up, from this topic we saw why Growth Mindset is essential
for success. Also, we have to control our fixed mindset. Please do
share your reflection on this point in the chat.
Kahoot Activity

Join at with Game PIN:


Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House.
How Do You Actually Develop A Growth Mindset? (

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