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Summary homework

If I added words, it means what you wrote wasnt grammatical and I corrected it. You dont need a cover sheet. If you quote the author, add the page number in parentheses (see hand-out). The summary should explain the main point of the reading to someone who hasnt read it. If I read your summary and dont get a sense of what the reading is about, its not a summary.

Culture is shared values and beliefs expressed through behavior.

Values/beliefs p behaviour

Explaining culture
Example was the traditional Canadian Christian wedding. Symbols: bride given away to groom by her father; white dress; ring (eternal love). Other values/beliefs expressed:
 Heterosexuality is privileged in places where same-sex marriage is illegal.  Lifelong commitment  Monogamy (no multiple wives or husbands permitted)

Individuals are important too

We dont just follow our cultures rules blindly. When enough people dont agree with a cultural practice, the practice changes or dies out. Change can also come from outside pressure.

Fedorak Ch. 2
What is culture shock? What is reverse culture shock?

Typical pattern of culture shock: At first everything seems fun and exciting when you move to or visit another culture, then culture shock sets in.

Accounts from Ch. 2

William Young in a Bedouin village (Sudan)
little privacy, riding a camel, eating with his right hand (no cutlery), different clothing, converted to Islam

Robert Tonkinson among the Mardu of the Gibson Desert (Australia)

being welcomed by the children of the community helped him overcome culture shock

Victoria Baker in a Sri Lankan village

eventually learned village social rules (biscuits and tea story)

English teacher in Shanghai

Frustrations - bones in meat, spitting, when youre an outsider people ignore you Making local friends brought him into Shanghainese social circles, where he saw a warm, and welcoming side of the culture Remedy for relieving the tensions of living in a foreign culture?

What is the positive side of culture shock?

Small group discussion Make sure everyone in your group speaks

Share a cross-cultural misunderstanding youve had while traveling or living in a foreign culture. What did you find different or hard to understand? Is there anything you came to appreciate or like in the other culture? If you cant think of anything, share how you got your name. Does it have any cultural meanings? For example, what does it mean in a different language?

Introduction to the work of Richard Lee

Canadian anthropologist at the U. of Toronto Has been studying the Ju/hoansi (Ju twasi) people of southern Africa since the early 1960s

Introduction to the Ju/hoan language

Symbols like / and ! correspond to clicks Lees explanation of these symbols: / tongue to teeth tongue to ridge behind the teeth ! tongue a little further back, close to top of mouth // tongue flattened out from side to side (sounds like English sound to urge on a horse)

/Gaus Culture Shock

In 1964 Lee hired /Gau to go on an archaeological dig with him in Zambia, 250 km east of Dobe /Gau was 25 and had never left Dobe After 3 weeks /Gau took to his bed with culture shock When /Gau returned home, he recovered immediately He eagerly told his friends and family about his experience

Riding the snakes back

/Gaus journey outside of his homeland happened at a time when no one from his group had done this before.

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