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Programming Fundamentals

Lecture 07

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

For Loop

 for loop is a repetition control structure 

 executes a specific number of times

 Parts of a for loop

1. Initialization
2. Condition
3. Increment or decrement
4. Body of the loop

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


for ( initialization condition ; termination condition ; increment condition )

statement ( s ) ;

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Flow control

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


int counter ;
for( counter = 0 ; counter < 10 ; counter = counter + 1 )
cout << counter;


Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Table for 2

2 x 10 = 20

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Example - Calculate Table for 2

main ( )
int counter ;
for ( counter = 1 ; counter <= 10 ; counter = counter + 1 )
cout << "2 x " << counter << " = " << 2* counter << "\n“ ;

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


2 x1 = 2
2 x 10 = 20

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Example: Calculate Table- Enhanced
main ( )
int number ;
int maxMultiplier ;
int counter ;
maxMultiplier = 10 ;
cout << " Please enter the number for which you wish to construct the table “ ;
cin >> number ;
for ( counter = 1 ; counter <= maxMultiplier ; counter = counter + 1 )
cout << number <<" x " << counter<< " = " << number * counter << "\n“ ;

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


 Using For loop write a program in C++ to find the sum of first 10 natural numbers.

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


 Write a program in C++ to check whether a number is prime or not.

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


 Write a program to print first ten odd numbers in descending order.

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


 Write a program to print Fibonacci series using for loop

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Compound Assignment operators

e1 op= e2
 where e1 is a modifiable l-value not of const type and e2 can be :
 An arithmetic type
 A pointer, if op is + or -
 It works same as e1 = e1 op e2

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

 += counter += 3 ; same as counter = counter + 3 ;
 -= counter -= 5 ; same as counter = counter – 5 ;
 *= x*=2; same as x=x*2
 /= x /= 2; same as x=x/2
 %= x %= 2; same as x=x%2

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Nested For Loop

 Syntax

for ( init; condition; increment )

for ( init; condition; increment )
statement(s); // you can put more statements.

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Flow control

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


 Write a program to print Tables from 5 to 10 on screen using nested for loop

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

int main()
int i;
int j;
for(i = 5; i <= 10; i++)
{ /*outer loop*/
cout << "Table of " << i << endl;
for(j = 1; j <= 10; j++)
{ /*inner loop*/
cout << i << "*" << j << "=" << (i*j) << endl;
return 0;

Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


 Write a program in C++ to display the pattern like right angle triangle with number.


Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


 Write a program to print the following pattern using for loop.


Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar


 Write a program in C++ to make such a pattern like a pyramid with an asterisk.
 Hint: pyramid having odd number of asterisk.


Prepared by Aqsa Gul, Lecturer Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

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