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Personal 200 400 600 800

200 400 600 800

200 400 600 800

200 400 600 800
What is your favourite
food and why?

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Tell us something you
can’t live without.

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Tell us something you
watch/listen to

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What is your favourite

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The man (is/are) going to

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What is this?

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What is the plural of

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Which sentence is correct?
1. The girls are drinking.
2. The girls is drinking.
3. The girl's are drinking.

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What colour is Japanese

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What is the capital
city of the USA?

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In what country the Prime
Minister is Borys Johnson?

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Name the longest river
in the world

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Do you miss school?

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What is your favourite

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Which do you like more:
online school or offline school?

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What do you
like and dislike about school?

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