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Algebraic concepts and notations

• Variable – Letters are used to represent unknown numbers r quantity
• Algebaric notation – product notation.
x+x+x = 3*x = 3x
x*1/y = x/y
x*x = x2
x*x*x= x3
• Algebraic expression – expression that contains variables,constants and operations. It has
no equal sign.
Has how many terms?
How many variables?
What is the coefficient ?
Evaluating an algebraic expression?
• Given that x=-2 and y=4 ,evaluate 5y-4x
• Find the value of p2 +3q2 when p= -1/2 and q= -2.
Linear Expression
• An algebraic expression that contains one term in one variable with or
without a constant.
Ex: 2x + 7 ,-1/3x ,4x + y - 8 (expression with 2 variables )
2x + 3x - 9
3x2 – 6x ,7 5x - 7y + 2xy is not a linear expression .

Like terms-contains same variables raised to the same power .

Ex : 2x - 3xy + 7 + x2 + 5x -4 + 2yx
During addition and subtraction ,we add and subtract the coeeficients of like
1)15a + (-7b) + (-18a) + 4b
2) -6y - 14- (-8yz) - 6z + 23 + 9y - 8z + 2zy

• Find the sum of

1) 3pq - 6hk and -3qp + 14kh
2)9p - (-2q) and -8p - (-12q)
Linear Equation
• An equation is a statement in which two mathematical exression have
equal values.



To sove the equation means to find the value of x so that the values on
both the sides of the equation are equal.
• 5x + 4 = 2x – 8
• 2(y - 4) = 5y – 3
• 2/x=4/5
• 10x – (5x+4)/3 =7

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