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A quiz about wildlife activists

1)Animal Rights and Animal Welfare mean the same thing. Do you agree?
A)Different and not interchangeable
B) Animal Welfare agrees with the humane use of animals
C) Animal Rights teach us that we cannot use animals.
D) All of the above

2)Animal Welfare includes

A) Responsible care of animals
B) Preservation of the species
C) Raising animals for food
D) All of the above 

3) Animal Rights philosophy supports

A) We do not have the right to interfere with animals' life
B) Animals are for us.
C) We are for animals.
D) Humans are always superior
4) Did utilitarian ethicist Peter Singer help in modernizing the Animal Rights philosophy?
A) His book “Animal Liberation” helped in motivating the movement. 
B) Ingrid Newkirk started the modern movement.
C) Wayne Pacelle mentioned the basic animal rights philosophy.
D) None of these

5) Does the Animal Rights movement actually support bringing the change in the legal property status of animals?
A) For some animals

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