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Eating Habits
We can always eat the food that we want.
There is nothing wrong with eating. It only
goes wrong if we consume less or more than
what our body needs; also when we eat
unhealthy food. This can lead to being
underweight, overweight, or even obese. It is
alarming to see that many are suffering from
malnutrition, overweight, and obesity.
Sleep Management
Sleep is essential to everyone’s health. Normally,
we need about 6 to 8 hours of night sleep everyday
to allow the body to rest and regenerate. When we
wake up in the morning after a good night’s sleep,
we feel fresh and energetic. We become effective
and productive in our daily activities.
Staying up all night - This is the most
common bad sleeping habit of most people. In order
to submit a project, a paper, or some other work at
the last minute, they cram to finish it, staying up all
night until they are done.
4.Internet Addiction - Social media is
massively addictive. Many people would
spend a lot of their time browsing social
media sites such as Facebook and YouTube.
They are awake all night to converse and
play with their friends and forgo sleeping on
time. This results in tiredness and
unproductiveness in work, in school, and
even at home.
5.Eating Before Sleeping

Eating could be one of the things we do that give us

comfort—but should be discouraged just before bedtime.
Eating before sleeping can cause discomfort preventing us
from falling asleep easily. When we eat too close to our
bedtime, it means that we go to our bed while digesting.
This can cause acid reflux which makes a person lose
sleep. It is best to eat 4 hours before falling asleep so we
can be sure that our digestive system has done its job.
We need to deal with the fact that stress is part of
our lives. Stress happens for many reasons –
environmental factors, fatigue, too much work,
illness, and loneliness. It is inevitable; hence,
needs to be handled properly. Handling stress
seems to be tough to do but we need to learn how
to cope with it the right way.
Examples of such means that can be
detrimental to health are the following:
1. Smoking
2. Bad Eating Habits – Skipping meals and/or overeating
3. Excessive alcohol intake
4. Excessive sleeping
5. Procrastinating – Trying to hide and escape the problem
using delaying tactics rather than facing the problem

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