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fəˈnetɪks ænd fə

ˈnɒlədʒi kɔːrs
Beware of heard, a dreadful word
That looks like beard and sounds like bird.

And dead, it's said like bed, not bead

for goodness' sake don't call it 'deed'!

Watch out for meat and great and threat

(they rhyme with suite and straight and debt).
A moth is not a moth in mother,
Nor both in bother, or broth in brother,
And here is not a match for there,
Nor dear and fear for bear and pear,

And then there's doze and rose and lose

Just look them up- and goose and choose,

And cork and work and card and ward

And font and front and word and sword,

And do and go and thwart and cart

Come, I've hardly made a start!
First phonetic transcription text

ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈspelɪŋ ɪz ə pərˈtɪkjʊlər ˈɒbstəkəl tu nɒnˈneɪtɪv

ˈspikərz. ðɪs ɪz dju tu ðə fækt ðæt ˈdʊrɪŋ ðə kɔrs ʌv ɪts
ˈhɪstəri ɪt hæz bɪn ˈɪnfluənst baɪ 'nju:mərəs ˈlæŋgwəʤəz, ɪ
ˈspeʃəli baɪ ˈʤɜrmən, ˈlætən, frɛnʧ, ænd ðə ˌskændɪ
ˈneɪviən ˈlæŋgwəʤəz.
Second phonetic transcription text

ðer ɑr ˈtwɛnti sɪks ˈlɛtərz ɪn ði ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈælfəˌbet bʌt

ðer ɑr ˈfɔrti fɔr saʊndz ɪn ði ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈlæŋgwəʤ. ðɪs
minz ðæt ðə ˈnʌmbər ʌv saʊndz ɪn ə wɜ:rd ɪz nɒt
ˈɔlweɪz ðə seɪm æz ðə ˈnʌmbər ʌv ˈletərz. ðæts
kəmˈplitli ˈdɪfərənt.
Third phonetic transcription text

fəˈnetɪks ɪz ə brænʧ ʌv lɪŋˈgwɪstɪks ðæt ˈfəʊkəsɪz ɒn ðə

prəˈdʌkʃən ænd ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən ʌv ðə wɜ:rldz spiʧ
saʊndz. ðə prəˈdʌkʃən ʌv spiʧ lʊks æt ði ˌɪntəˈrækʃən
ʌv ˈdɪfərənt ˈvəʊkəl ˈɔrgənz, fɔr ɪgˈzæmpəl, ðə lɪps,
tʌŋ, ænd tiθ, tu prəˈdjuːs pərˈtɪkjʊlər saʊndz.
Third term

Ana Escamilla
Daniela Ramírez
Clara González

Karen Chacón
Ange Gómez
Valentina Contreras
Oh mi dulce Abel, tus manos son tan cálidas como los primeros rayitos de

Inocentes rayitos de sol que te exponen sin control

Pues dejan a la vista del viento tus nacientes cabellos de plata

Que suaves como la seda acentúan tu belleza innata.

Frio témpano y distante sol, cual presa de mi mirada fuiste

Dónde dejaste tu sonrisa de niño, o acaso nunca tuviste?

Dime cómo podría no sentirme aterrada

Cuando mis demonios internos seducen tu tez bronceada.

t h e f o ll o w in g terms:
s of
Look for example le, p e r s o n if i ca t io n,
l lu si o n , s im i l e , h yperbo
a e p e ti t ion.
n e cd o ch e , r
apostrophe, sy

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