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Factors in the Proper

Selection of Vegetables
The quality of raw materials affects the
aesthetics, palatability, and texture of the
cooked product. It is necessary that the
vegetables to be purchased are appropriate
for the dish to be prepared.
1. Weight
a. Buy vegetables by weight, not by size.

b. Heavy for its size

2. Appearance and
a. Buy vegetables early in the morning.

b. Select vegetables that are crisp and bright-colored, not dry or wilted.
3. Seasonability
Vegetables that are in season are cheaper and
have better taste or palatability.
4. No sign of
decay or insect
Choose vegetables that are free
from insect infestation.
5. No sign of molds,
bruises or blemishes
Choose vegetables which are free from bruises,
blemishes, and molds.
The finished product tastes better.
6. Right degree of
Choose the vegetables of the right degree of maturity.
They taste better.
7. Variety
Choose the variety that is needed/appropriate
for the dish or menu.
Thank You
-Abigail M. Hernandez

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